Chapter 15- Help

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James' pov
I feel my breathing getting quicker as we approach camp. Michelle doesn't let go of me. I just hope that Noah and Richelle hid in time. You see, our plan is simple. I went out of camp to try and get a career or a couple of careers to find me. Once they found me, I'd tell them that I know who killed Stephanie- Noah. Then I'd bring them back to camp only to see that Noah and Richelle aren't there. This is their part of the plan. Once I have the career's backs turned, Noah and Richelle will jump out of a bush from behind and stab them. Easy right?

"You never mentioned the boy's name. Who killed Stephanie?" Michelle asks and holds the knife beneath my throat.
"Noah." I say and gulp.
"Well where is he?" Hunter demands, frantically looking around trying to find him.
"I think I can see him over there." I say and point somewhere in the distance.
"Where?" Michelle asks.
"Now!" I yell and Noah and Richelle jump out of the bush with a knife in each hand.

However, Michelle and Hunter soon realise what's happening and they swing their bodies to the side. I grab an axe, throw it at Hunter but miss. It lands in a near by tree instead. Whoops.

Noah's pov
I didn't realise how good Hunter is with a knife. Richelle is struggling with Michelle but I'm pretty sure that she's got this.
"You killed Stephanie!" Hunter yells and throws his knife at me.
I duck and run to grab his knife.
"That's mine!" He yells looking worried.
"Not anymore!" I yell and throw it into his stomach.
He drops to the ground with blood pouring out of him. My work here is done.

Richelle's pov
I see Noah walk over to Hunter to grab the knife out of his stomach. I can't believe he just killed him. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain rush through my body. I look down and see a knife sticking out of my leg.
"Help!" I scream and the two boys look over to me.

James runs over and starts fighting Michelle. Noah rushes over to me and sees the great gash in my leg.
"It's ok, you'll be ok." He says and sits me down.
Trying to stop me from worrying, he kept reassuring me that I was going to be ok- even if it isn't true.

James' pov
I push Michelle against a tree with all my might and she continuously kicks me to let her go. I'm not letting her go. Realising I have a chance for her to meet death, I grab my knife in one hand while keeping her pushed against the bark in the other.

"You can't stab me! I have my own knife!" She yells and looks around.
"Are you sure? Because I'm pretty sure that it's over there." I say and point to Richelle who has it sticking out of her leg.
Michelle's face turns to me, terrified.
"Any last words?" I ask.
"I hate the Hunger Games!" She yells loudly, trying to get the cameras to pick it up.
"Don't we all." I say and push the knife into her chest.
Her eyes go droopy and her body becomes less tense. I let go of her and she falls to the ground next to Hunter.

"Our plan worked!" I yell and spin around.
"No it didn't." I hear Noah say from behind.
I turn around to see Richelle, huddled up to Noah but a large wound on her leg. How did I forget about that.
"Is know, alive?" I ask and walk over to them.
"Only just, we need help! Please I'm begging you, we need a sponsor!" Noah yells loudly.

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