Chapter 5- Training

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Eldon's pov
Right now all the tributes are in the training arena. We all show off our skills and we get to see who is very strong and who is very weak. I personally think that I'm very strong because it's easy to throw all the heavy things that they have put out for us to use. The girl I came with is someone called Emily. She's good with a bow and arrow. I remember back in district 1 she'd always hunt in the forest and bring back rabbits. My family would buy them from her for a fair price. They always tasted good. The very best my dad used to say. But she'll need to shoot more than rabbits if she wants to do well in the games.

Jake's pov
Right now I'm just practising lighting fires because I will need to stay warm in the games. It's not working though. However someone walks over to me. It was a girl. She had beautiful hazel eyes with long, dark hair.
"Try it like this." She says and creates a fire.
"Thank you. What's your name?" I ask.
"Thalia." She says.
"Nice name." I say.
"What about you?" She asks.
"Jake." I say and hold out my hand.
She shakes it and smiles.
"Want to be allies?" She asks.
"What's your skill?" I ask.
"Well I can paint." She says.
"How will that help you in the games?" I ask.
"Easy. I paint myself the colour of a rock or tree and I look like it. Then no one will see me and I can use this as an advantage to hide or kill people." She says.
"We're allies." I say.
She laughs and hugs me.

Emily's pov
I'm just walking around trying to find the bows and arrows. When I get to them, someone is already using them. I think it's the guy from district 12- Chad. Soon enough he finishes and looks at me up and down.
"What are you doing here?" He asks.
"To practise with a bow and arrow." I say because it's pretty obvious.
"You can't shoot." He says.
"Why not?" I ask and cross my arms.
"Because you're a girl." He says.
"I can shoot better then you." I say.
"Yeah right." He says.
I walk into the part where you shoot holograms. I start shooting them and I'm hitting them all perfectly. I finish and walk out.
"Be careful I might shoot you." I whisper in Chad's ear then walk away.

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