Chapter 4- Opening Ceremony

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Stephanie's pov
Well today is the day that we all get on our carriages and wave to the people of the Capitol. Hopefully me and West get sponsors. It's not like we need them though, I mean we're both career tributes and allies so we will do great working together. I plan on winning the games and make district 3 proud! Our district is know for technology, so our costumes for the ceremony are plain black suits with green patterns and built in lights. It looks pretty awesome and will get noticed.
A few hours later
Right now me and West are standing up on our carriage and waiting to go on. District 1 has been and district 2 just went, so we're next.
Soon enough it's our turn to go and when we get out there, hundreds of people are starring at us and smiling with big eyes. Me and West wave and they all start screaming with excitement as they look at our costumes. We get lots of waves back and kisses blown. I think I heard someone shout "I'll sponsor you" so that's a great start.
Then we join the tributes from districts 1 and 2. Now we're all looking at the other tributes who are coming to see who looks the easiest to kill.
West's pov
The girl from district 4 looks really weak and should be easy to kill. I think that her name is Cierra or something like that. Well that's what the boy from district 1 said.
I take a close look at the people from district 5 because they're career tributes as well and I hope that we can be allies. Me and Stephanie are already allies and if we can get two more career tributes on our side, the games will go a lot quicker. I think that I could win the games.

Sorry this chapter is short 😁 If you want to see which tributes are from which district, I listed them all at the end of chapter one.
Thanks for reading!

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