Chapter 18- Descisions

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Richelle's pov
"Come on guys!" I yell as we sprint through the forest.
"Up here!" Noah says and points to large tree.
James and him start climbing it and get to a high branch.
"Richelle, what are you waiting for?" Noah yells.
"I don't know how to climb a tree." I admit and look down.

Noah's shoes appear in front of me.
"Come on, I'll give you a leg up. James, you pull here up." Noah says.
"Ok." James says and leans over the branch.
"Thanks." I whisper.
"No problem." Noah says back and gives me a leg up.
James pulls me up onto the branch and Noah quickly climbs up after me.
"Made it." Noah says with a smile.
"They're over there!" I whisper and point to the two people walking.

Emily's pov
"We know you're here somewhere." I say and look around me for them.
"We're going to find you and kill you." West says trying to act all hard.
"West, you're not that tough." I say.
"I am!" He yells.
"You keep thinking that." I say.
"Ugh, they're not here. Let's keep walking." I say and we both move on.

James' pov
"They're gone!" I say once they're out of sight.
"Thank God." Noah says.
"Hey look I can make the branch wiggle." I say.
"James." Richelle says and gives me a stern look.
"Ok, ok. I won't." I say.
"How do we get down?" Richelle asks looking down at the large drop.
"Climb down." I say.
"Helpful." She mutters.

Noah's pov
"Wait Richelle, do you still have that bow and arrows that I got you?" I ask.
"Yeah." She says and hands them to me.
"Thanks." I say and set it up.
"What are you doing?" James asks.
"If West and Emily come back, then I'll shoot one and one of you can throw a knife at the other." I say.
"Good idea, I'll throw the knife." James says and Richelle doesn't say anything.

"Richelle? Are you ok?" I ask and look at her, worriedly.
"It's just, if we do kill them, what's going to happen to us?" She asks.
"I never thought about that." James says.
"And there can only be one winner." I say.
"So who's going know?" Richelle asks.
"Let's not think now that right now." I say and put my arm around her.
"I guess not." She says.

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