Chapter 16- Sponsor

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Noah's pov
Richelle just lay in my arms, not moving. I couldn't even tell if she was dead or alive. No, she must be alive. I would've heard her cannon go off. James pulled the knife out of her leg a while ago. It didn't make much of a difference. All I could hear was her breathing slowly.

I was brought out of thought when I heard a cannon go off. Me and James look at each other, afraid.
"Was that Richelle's?" I ask with a shaky voice.
"Well is she still breathing?" James asks and sits down next to us.

I attempt to find her pulse but can't. I give James a worried look.
"What?" He asks.
"I can't find her pulse." I spit out and keep trying to find it.
"Try putting your hand over her mouth." He says.
I do as he says and sigh with relief. She's still breathing. It may be slow but she's still alive.
"That wasn't her cannon." I say and James throws me a smile.

"However, she does need medicine." He says.
"How do we get medicine?" I ask and looked down at Richelle.
"Well how did you and Richelle do in your interviews?" He asks.
"I'm pretty sure that they liked us." I say.
"Well then it should be easy to get one. We just need to get noticed." He says and looks around.
"How?" I ask.
"If anyone out there is watching us right now, we really need dome medicine. Look at her!" James yells as he stands up and points to Richelle who is curled up in my arms.
"Please." I say.
"We really need your help, you could save this girl's life!" James yells.
"Look at this wound." James says and points to her leg.
Blood is still gushing out of it, just not as much as before.
"Please, she can't die. She just can't." I say with tears brimming in my eyes.

James walks over to me and whispers
"Great acting."
"I'm not acting." I whisper back.
He places his hand on my shoulder and I wipe away my tears.

James' pov
I lost Riley and I know how hard it is. I don't want Noah to go through what I did, Richelle has to survive. We must get a sponsor before it's too late.

Suddenly the sky goes black. Looks like the game makers made night happen. I look over to Noah who has Richelle in a tight grip. Even though they weren't officially dating, you could tell how much they cared for each other.

Noah's pov
James fell asleep after a few minutes, but I stay awake. A light appears in the sky and I see Giselle's face appear. So that's the cannon that went off. Poor Giselle I guess but that means the careers are still out there. Soon enough they're going to find us and I don't know if we can make it.

I get snapped out of my thoughts when I hear a small noise. It was a beeping sound. Very quiet but loud enough so I could her it. Then, a small metal box with a parachute landed in front of me. I grab it and open the lid. There is a small note attached to it- 'give this to Richelle- C'. Thank you Chloe!

I rummage down to the bottom of the box and find a cylinder shaped tub. I slowly take the lid off and it reveals some sort of white cream. Then I put some on my fingers and gently place it on to Richelle's leg. I really hope this doesn't hurt her even more. I rub it onto her wound and when I'm done, I quietly put the lid screw the lid back onto the tub and place it back in the metal box. I just hope that she'll be ok in the morning.

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