Chapter 11- Dead Angel

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Thalia's pov
The next day I find myself high up in a tree. The career tributes killed my allies so I'm all alone. This isn't fun or fair. Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to die for people's entertainment? I hate the Capitol. I hate it!

No one has died today. Well it's only early and I wouldn't have thought that anyone would die so quickly. I'm surprised that I'm still alive. When West and Eldon killed Cierra and Jake, I thought that Emily would kill me. Somehow she didn't. I'm extremely lucky to be alive tight now.

However, if I want food or water, I have to show off. I have to kill someone. I'm good at painting and good with a bow and arrow. I remember Cierra gave me her bow and arrow just before she was killed. I have a weapon! It's still early so a lot of people will be sleeping. Easy enough to kill someone!

I jump out of the tree and start quietly walking around. Then I see four people sleeping. Who are they? Two girls and two boys. Oh that's right! It's James, Riley, Noah and Richelle. Richelle is small so she should be easy to kill. I pull out my bow and arrow. Just as I'm about to shoot they wake up. Oh no.

Noah and James try to jump on me. They succeed but I successfully shoot the arrow. However, I don't know where it landed. I hear a girl gasp. Noah and James run off and take this as an opportunity to run. Before I go, I take one look at who I shot. Riley.

James' pov
Thalia runs off and I rest Riley's head in my arms. The arrow has gone right through her chest to her heart. I don't think that she's going to make it.
"Riley I love you so much." I say.
"I love you too James." She says.
"Don't leave Riles." I say.
"Don't let the careers win." She says and her eyes shut.
"Riley? Riley? No!" I yell.
She's dead she's really dead. A few tears escape my eyes and land on her lifeless body. Her cannon goes off and the machine comes down. I attempt to jump on it with her but Noah stops me. Then her body is taken away. Oh Riley I love you.

Richelle's pov
I'm practically in tears. Me and Riley got so close. Even though it has only been a day, it felt like a year. Or five. No, forever. It felt like forever. I can't believe she's gone.

Me and James are both crying now but Noah isn't. He looks sad but isn't crying. I guess one of us has to be tough. Then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up and see Noah. He pulls me into a hug and then something strange happens. He kisses my forehead. That's what couples do. We aren't a couple...

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