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Frnk: hey

Frnk: hey its me Frank

Gee : I don't know any Franks

Frnk: whoops sorry

Frnk: wrong number then

Frnk: or like kik username thing

Frnk: well sorry for interrupting your shit bye


So um idk I'm bored and I'm gonna write this fic now. I don't know if I'm acually going to make this a whole thing or not but this'll just be here while I work on other fics that aren't done yet.


aug 24 2023
hello!! i am gwen (they them), and i wrote this fic, wrong number. to any newcomers or rereaders, hello!

i started this fanfic in march 2016, a hell of a long time ago. my writing style and maturity level changes A LOT throughout this fic. eventually, i plan on rewriting it.

though i am happy and proud of the recognition this fic has received, and all the friends it got me back in the day, i am NOT proud of the writing itself. keep in mind while you read this that i started this as a silly way to pass time, nothing serious!

another thing that's important to mention is that i started writing this when i was barely 13 years old. there are things i don't agree with in here because i was simply uneducated. there is a part where gerard freaks out on frank for saying the f slur, when in reality i believe frank can reclaim this slur as a gay man. more importantly, the age gap in which gerard and frank meet is not okay. again, i was really young and i truly didn't see the problem. there IS a problem. please click off if you're uncomfortable with that, i truly wish i had known better. if you are in a situation with that kind of age gap, please get away.

lastly, i've dabbled in rewriting this story many times, and even started in 2020. i think i might try again, but no promises!

im always down for friends !! dm me on instagram!! @/ darksisterhood

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