Help.... please..

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OMFG HIIIIII!!!! oh god its been sooooo long I'm so sorry I was really busy doing my school work and taking care of my little brothers.

Now onto another really important matter I had 2 character requests which you guys are gonna meet in this chapter but I'm not sure if they'll be in the story in this chapter or the next one... We will see.

OK imma shut up, and lets get to the story.


Hi my name is Nasiya Lopez but people call me naya and I'm 17, I'm swaes and slims cousin imma just tell you this don't fuck with me or your dead I'm not joking I'll beat your ass in 10 seconds or even less. Anywayyyyyy I have a boyfriend his name is Jordan he's 18 we've been together since I was 15, he's literally the BEST but anyway I have 2 sisters my younger sister is 8 her name is Tanya and for 8 year old she has a big mouth and has to much attitude and my older sister well....

Yo my name is Kia Lopez but people call me.... well... Just Kia. I'm 20 years old and I have 2 annoying ass sisters kmt anyways I have a sexy ass boyfriend his name is Kelly we've been together for a year now and hopefully there will be more, I'm swaes and slims cousin I don't understand how girls put up with them their so damn annoying don't hate on my but trust me I'm their cousin and I hate how they treat girls but whatever I guess.


(Shay P.O.V )

I woke up in a nice, clean, white room on a bed and tied S.C. to it. WTF is going on!? I can still hear music... Wait am I still at the party???..... Omg I am what the hell. I realized alot of things apart from 1.... That there's 2 men standing in front of me... What's going on, how'd I even get here???

"Well hello princess you finally woke up." He chuckled. "What do you want???" I asked although I think I already know. I heard the other man laugh while taking a camra out of his bag, what be need that for!?

"haha we want you sweety" he laughed fixing the camera now. I felt a tear drop down my cheek, I'm about to get raped, and I can't do anything.

"Aww now, now don't cry we'll have fun baby" he said biting his lip which made more tears to flow my cheeks.
Be crawled over to me " fuck off, dont touch me!!" I screamed. " go ahead scream as much as you like boo, no body will even bear you" he laughed hovering over me while the other one started filming, who the fuck are these sick people? He started to kiss and bite on my neck, I started screaming and tried my best getting him of me but he won't budge.

(Shan P.O.V )

Omg this party is just to much fun, imma come here more often. I decided I need a drink so I took slims hand and walked us to the bar. Yes that's right me and slim were grinding on each other all this time. No I do not move on fast but, hey I want to have some fun. We got to the bar and saw swae and Sasha so we walked over to them. "Hiiii how y'all enjoying the party?" I asked while ordering a drink for me and slim. " good, hey have you seen shay?" Swae asked worried. " no I thought she's with you" I replied now getting worried. "Don't worry guys she's probably dancing with some dude" slim said getting a big sip of his bear. "That's exactly what I'm worried about you idiot, that some dude could do something to her, she's fucking drunk" I semi yelled the last part getting frustrated. "Okay, sorry" he said "don't sorry me, we gotta find Shay, and make sure shes okay" I said. "Alright we'll split up, I'll go with Sasha and you'll go with slim, okay?" swae suggested. "Alright" I sighed.

We all splited up, me and slim went to check in the bathrooms and bedrooms, while swae and Sasha went to look in the kitchen, garden and living room where most people were.

(Shay P.O.V )

"Stop moving you bitch!" He shouted at me and punched me. "PLEASE STOP YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was now half naked. I suddenly felt him enter me hard. "S-S-STOP!!" I screamd. "HELP........ Please..." I whispered the last part, I was now out of energy, I can't fight no more. Million of tears dropped down my cheek, pain, disgust, guiltness, hate, tired and many more.

(Shan P.O.V )

We was walking through corridors and you can just hear the girls screaming, moaning and laughing but.... There was a different one, she sounded so familia S.C. and she wasn't screaming of pleasure... s-she was screaming f-f-for..... help!!! "SHAYAN!!" I screamed running to the door that the screaming was coming from. "What are yo-" I cut slim of "call swae right fucking now and tell him where we are and he has to come her asap!" I said through my teeth.

Like not even 10 seconds swae was here... But where's Sasha, ehh whatever fuck her my best friend is more important right now. "Alright slim kick down the door" I said pissed, swae looked confused at what was happening, but when he finds out, he gone be pissed to. Slim kicked down the door, and what I saw.... Is what I was hoping to never see....


AN do you guys think shay is dead or alive???

Btw sorry for the short chapter but I'm really busy so yeah bye love y'all. x♥x♥x

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