we are never ever getting back together

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(shay P.O.V)

Mmhhh what is that feeling... Argh leave me alone "wake up!" i can hear a voice say. "wake up big head" the voice say again, what do they want!? "Mmhhh wha?" i asked with my eyes closed. "if you dont wake up now, your going to be late." she said. "for what... Leave me alone." i moaned. "school" she said. "what scho- (thinks)" "OH SHIT!!!, WHAT TIME IS IT!?" i asked getting up as fast as i can. "SUMMER TIME!" she sang. "its not funny seriously what TIME is it!?" i asked again anoyyed. "7" she said. " ohhh nahh thats cool i thought its like.. 9" i said stretching. "haha but you cant lie the summer time thing was hella funny." she said giggling. "yeah true, whats for breakfast?" i asked walking to the bathroom. "umm i dont know, whatcha want?" she asked. " i dont know shan, whatever you think of i guess." i replied. "alright, you get ready imma go make breakfast." she said. "Okie dokie" we both laughed and want to do what were meant to, i went to take a warm shower and brushed my teeth then put some clothes on and done my makeup and hair. **outfits on the side or above**
I walked downstears and the food smells sooo good. "mmm yummy scrambled eggs and bacen" i said licking my lips. " yup now eat up bitch you dont want to be late." Shaniyah said drinking orange juice. "okay mom." we both laughed and talked until it was time for me to leave. "alright imma see you later boo." i said hugging shan. "yeah be carefull and be good." she told me. "okay mom." i said leaveing.

(shan P.O.V)

As soon as shay left i got a messege from my manager.

Manager: hello Shaniyah today we are giving you a day of since you've been working so hard, have a nice day. Rose.

Yesss!! Im so happy i really wasnt botherd to go to work today honestly.

Shaniyah: thank you, have a nice day too.

Well... Since i have nothing todo might as Well hang out with swae and slim.... OH fuck i forgot their at the studio now...mmmmmm ohhh i knowwwwww imma go suprise devin!!!

(shay P.O.V)

Argh this is so boring, i already know this, this is so confusing, thats so easy, that dont even make sence, I WANT TO GET OUT OF HERE!! This is all i think about when im in school except swae, hes been on my mind all day, do you know how it is to love some one but they dont love you back, do you know how it is when you fall in love with your best friend but you know it want work out, do you know how it is to fall in love with your best friend but to afriad to share your feeling that they might reject you or it will ruin your friendship forever, do you know how it is to fall in love with a player, do you know how it is when that player you fall in love likes or even love another girl and that girl tries to ruin your friendship cuz she jelly. Do you know all that pain, i know that one day imma have to tell him but not now not yet.

[ bell ring ]

Yesss finally end of school, OH and did i tell yall that im auditioning for a movie, its gonna be called colours of love (A/M made that up) im so excited. I want to try for the main roll.

(shan P.O.V)

Im just like a street away from devins house, i dont know why but im so excited to see him.
"La La La La La La La La La La La La La La" i sang while parking my car next to a pink BMW.
I walked over to the door to knock but it was open. "strange" i wissperd (S.C) to my self, as i was walking up the stairs i can hear moaning noises, hes probebly whatching porn. But the mans voice sounds exackly like devin....... OHH HELL NAHH! I ran to the kitchen took out his gun, and ran, RAN upstears. There she was jumping up and down on my man. I feel a teer rolling down my ckeek but nahh im not going to cry, i am not going to cry Nooo!!! "YOU FUCKING LIER!!!" I screamd at him, hes quiekly pushed the slut of, of him and started to walk my direction. "babe im sorry its not ho(gco)" "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" i took the gun and pointed it at him. "YOU FUCKING LIED, you said you love me, but.... YOU LIED!" "b babe please ppput that dddown i didnt lie." he stuterd, thats right bitch you better be scared. "STOP calling me babe, i aint cho babe any more! We are DONE, YOU HEAR ME DONE,
D O N E, DONE!" "bab... I mean shan im sorry i didnt me(gco)" "to get caught, you didnt mean to get caught." my face was full of tears now. I turned to the slut walked up to her, grabed her hair and pulled her outside, then pushed her out the door naked. " wait... My clothes." she said. " ohhh you dont need them" i closed the door walked back upstears and slapped devin with the gun and walked out with the gun still in my hand, i jumped in my car and drove to the apartment. I completly lost the track of time and honestly right now i dont care i looked in the mirror and i looked a hot mess, my eyes are hella puffy and my cheeks are so damn red and still more tears are coming.

(shay P.O.V)

I just got back at the apartment and i went straight to get some crisp and went to watch TV when i hear the door bell. "WHO IS IT!?" I asked shouting. "OPEN THE FUCK UP!!" i know exackly who it is, who who the fuck he think he talkin to? " BITCH WHAT!?" i yelled back opening the door for them. "yo" swae said. "why the fuck you take sk long to anwser the damn door?" slim asked sitting on the sofa. "i dont know." so we all talked and talked until we heard a clicking noise at the door. The door open really slowly, she came in looking like a hot ass mess what the fuck happen. "What happen?" i asked her walking over to her. "nnnothing" she replied stuttering. "now i defo know your lieing so whatsup?" i asked her concerned. "hhhe ccheated." she said braking down and hugging me. "Who, what, when, were what?!" swae asked. " that little mother fucker, OHH when i get my hands on him... OHH" i said getting angry and leading shan to the sofa. "whatsup" slim asked getting closer to shan. " devin cheated." i said still angry asf. "HE FUCKING WHAT!?" slim shouted getting up really pissed like seriously hella pissed.


A/N hope yall enjoyed it thanks for reading and please vote and comment what you think.

Rae Sremmurd (swae Lee Love Story)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now