wrong turn 4

507 14 2

( Shay P.O.V )

I ran quickly to get a blanket while swae went to the kitchen to get some ice-cream, chocolate, drinks etc. I quickly put on the movie and just in time swae came with our treats. "are you sure you want to watch this movie?" he asked.
"yeah, why?" i asked.
"cuz you know in the movies..."
I looked at him confused and said "what happens in the mo-*thinks* boy those are movie's.. What, you expect me to be like oh I aint scared but then while the movie is on I'll be scared and jump on your lap and kiss pfft.. No!" "we uh kinda" he smirked. I gave him a straight face then turned on the movie swae chuckled and sat next to me as the movie was about to start.

[ half way through the movie ]

"ewww omg that's disgusting their eating him raw!!" i groand. Swae just laughed. "what the fuck you smiling for, you want to be ate raw like him??!" i shouted with a disgusted face. "I'm smiling cuz-never mind but no I don't want to be..-just watch the same movie" he said anoyyed. "fine" i huffed.
After that came on that part where their locking the bad guys in the cage. "omg stupid hoe, you should of killed them now watch you gone die stupid ass bitch!" i exaggerated.
I started to get a little scared until the part came on that scared the shit outa me, i screamed and jumped on swaes lap "ahhhhh" i screamed. Swae was laughing his head of. "stop laughing it ain't funny!" i punched his arm playfully.

( swae P.O.V)

I just kept laughing at her reaction then she punched my arm "don't hit me women" i laughed then looked deep in her eyes their so beautifull and not even thinking about it i kissed her....


A/N hey sorry for the short chapter but I just wanted to update and i just realised how cool the cliffhanger that is but I'll update later on today or tomorrow i promise bye x❤x❤x

Rae Sremmurd (swae Lee Love Story)ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now