BBQ party and TRUTH

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( shay P.O.V)

[ from where we left of ]

We just finished putting everything in their place then I walked back into the living room and sat in the same spot. I put my head on slims shoulder and sighed. "whats wrong?" he asked. "oh nothing, just tired" i responded. "wtf you just woke up!" he chuckled. "oh shut up big head!" i said. "aye yo go get ready we gone have a BBQ!" naya shouted. "no need to scream!" slim yelled. "shut the fuck up!" naya said. "aye watch yo mouth!" slim said in a serious tone. Naya rolled her eyes and went upstears, i decided to go with her lol. She walked into her room. "can I come in?" i asked "no you cant" she said sarcastically. "I'll take that as a yes" i walked in and sat on the edge of her bed.
"whats wrong?" i asked, she sighed and turned towards me. "i think... Jordan is cheating.. on me." i walked over to her and hugged her then saying "aww don't worry baby I'm sure he's not, why would you even thunk that?" she shook her head and a tear dropped on her cheek. "he's been very distance lately i also found a condom under his pillow, why would he need a condom when im on birth Control?" she asked. "to be honest I really don't know but I'm sure he has a good reason for it, maybe you should talk to him about it before you get hurt" she nodded in agreement. "your right, your such a great friend and I'm sure you'd be a girlfriend, i dont know why swae didn't hit on you yet" i chuckled and started to speak. "my either, i guess it's because he doesn't want to ruin our relationship or he just not feelin me like that?" "does he know about your feeling towards him?" she asked. I shook my head no. "maybe you should talk to him about it" she stated "i dont know, i dont want to ruin our friendship" i replied. "i know but you cant keep your feeling in forever." i thought for a moment and spoke. "your right, I'll speak to him today" "Yay! Now come on help me get ready for the BBQ!!" she squealed. "guys, guys, guys, i dont have anything to wear!" kia came in running. Me and naya both laughed. "this aint funny!" she yelled. "sorry, come on well help you" i said taking her hand and naya's and leading them to my room. "SHAY!!!" Shaniyah called from downstears. "WHAT!!??" i yelled back. "CAN I BORROW SOME CLOTHES FROM YOU!!??" she yelled. "YES!!" i replied yelling back. "GOOD CUZ I WAS GOONA DO THAT ANYWAY!!" i shook my head and carried on going through my closet trying to find something to wear.

[ 2 hours and 45 minutes later ]

( Kia P.O.V )

Omg i get a pov Yay!! *does a silly dance* anyway... All 4 of us got ready and walked downstears to the boys. I sat on a chair near a table and on the other side was Jay. Naya and shan sat on the couch where slim was and on the other one was swae and sasha, shay sat next to swae. Just thought I should let you guys know. "swae gimme the money!?" slim said smirking. " fuck you man, shiiiiitttt it ain't fair!" swae grouned. S.C "what you guys talking about?" shay asked. "they had a bet on how long it'll take yall to get ready!" he said laughing. "And the best part is none of them won!" he stated. "tf you talking bout n****, i won!" slim said scranching up his eyebrows. "stfu nahh you didnt!" Jay argued back. "hell i did!" slim semi yelled. "Nooo... You said 2 hours and a half not 2 hours and 45 minutes n****!" Jay semi yelled. "true tru!" swae said. Slim gave him a look like
*n***** really!?* then spoke "yo you shut the fuck up, you only saying shit cuz your ass lost!" he chuckled. "ohhh jesus all 3 of you stfu!" shay shouted then got up and walked to the kitchen. Well damnnnnn....

[ at the BBQ party ]

( slims P.O.V )

I got a pov!? Damnnnnn i never thought I would... So, the party is turnup not many people just close friends ya know... Yeah... What I'm meant to say now!?
Tf giving a n***** a pov without him even knowing what ta say
*kisses teeth* shiiiiitttt....
............................ GET ME OF THIS SHIT!!..... Now!......

( shay P.O.V )

Everybody body seems to have fun except one person.... Me... All im thinking of is what to say to swae, i mean... I don't want to ruin our friendship but I just can't hold these feelings in anymore. I suddenly felt a tap on the shoulder, i turned around to see.... Swae... "heyyyyyy" i said. "why you not dancing!?" he asked. "I'm jus-... I don't feel like dancing today" i sighed. "oh come on, everyone is turning up and i dont want to see my best friend just standing here!" he laughed, i let out a small chuckle. "nahh im good, go have fun Lil boy!" i said pushing him playfully. "oi I'm not Lil boy I'm a year older than you Lil girl" he stated. "oh shut up lee!" i laughed. "aye wanna go somewhere more quiet?" he asked and i nodded, this could be a perfect chance to tell him how I feel... We walked up stears to my room and i literally jumped on my bed, swae copied me but instead of jumping in the bed he jumped on me!" aye GETCHO skinny ass of me!" i yelled, laughing trying to push him of me. "no" he said simply. "lee please your skinny ass is heavy asf!" i laughed. "to bad" he said closing his eyes. "oi get of now!" i said pushing him of me and luckily I did it!! Yay!! I quickly got of the bed and sat on my chair. Lee got up and sat at the edge. I was now thinking if I should or not tell him, i dont want to ruin it, I'll miss this... "shay...shay lee... shlee... SHAYAN!" swae yelled in my ear which woke me up from My thoughts. "wha- oh sorry, i was just thinking.".... "about what?" he asked concerned. I took a deep breath and spoke. "swae... There's something I gotta tell you... Jus-.. Just let me finish then speak okay?" i asked, he noded confused. I took another deep breath and looked at my feets and spoke. " we've been bestfriends for 2 years now swae, your my everything, you always protect from anything that you think will hurt me but..-I-i mean I'm really grateful for that and that I've Met you... Swae i love you but not just like a bestfriend or brother i love you in like a... Different way.... I don't want to get between you and sasha and i was hiding these feelings cuz i dont want this to effect our relationship..." i looked up at him with tears in my eyes, i saw a tear roll down his cheeks, he was just staring at me... "swae..." i said... After 1 minute he spoke......


A/N well um i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter i tried my best and finally shay told swaes her feeling, how do you think he'll react? what will he say?

Anyways that's all for now also follow my bestie TheQueenPiaMia she just started a rae sremmurd book and it's awsome, she made a different one but had a problem with it so she made a new one so please go read it dont forgot to vote and comment also on my story bye x❤x❤x

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