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•2 years later•

It has been 2 years since I seen Nash. I had our daughter her name is Emily.

She looks so much like him, she has his bright blue eyes and my black straight hair. Emily is 1 years old.

Everyday she asks for her daddy I just say he'll come one day babe.

It's just sad she is growing up without Nash. I am currently taking Emily to the store footlocker to get her new Jordan's.

We pulled up to the mall I got out the car and walked over to Emily's side and open the door.

"Mom?" she squealed. "Yes baby". "Daddy?" She said. "One day" I said.

I knew she will never meet him but I have to keep her hopes up that one day she'll see her dad again.

I lifted her up and held her and we walked into the mall. I walked all over the mall then found footlocker.

"Emily hold my hand" I said and she nodded we walked in and I was looking around for shoes Emily might like.

"Do you like this one?" I asked showing her the shoe. "Uh uh" she said meaning no.

I went and look at some more shoes I picked a Jordan up that she might like but when I went to go show her she wasn't there.

"Emily!" I yelled trying to find her. I ran up and down until I seen her.

"Emily!" I yelled and she turned around. I ran to her and went down to her level.

"Emily don't run off like that again you had me worried sick!" I said. "I'm sorry but this nice man said he was gonna buy me a shoe" she said. "What man?" I ask.

She pointed up.

Emily's pov

I was walking around when I lost my mommy, I looked around but didn't see her.

Then I bumped into this man.

I was caught off guard by this cute shoe.

"I'm sorry" I said remember I had bumped into a man. "It's okay, but where are you parents?" He asked.

I looked up at him and he had bright blue eyes like mine and his hair was in a quiff.

"I don't know" I said.

I was caught off guard by the beautiful shoe again.

"Do you like those shoes" he asked referring to the ones I was staring at. "Yes" I nodded.

"Here I'll buy it for you" he said. He was about to go pay for them when my mom ran up.

Claires pov

I looked up and saw Nash? My gaze caught his.

"Nash?" I whispered loud enough from him to here me.

"Claire?" He asked. "Yep it's me" I said smiling. "I'm so glad to see you after all these years you changed you number and deleted you social medias" Nash said.

"Yea" I said. "So who is this little girl?" Nash asked. "Oh so your married?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck.

"No I'm as single as a Pringle" I said.

"If you don't mind me asking but who's the dad?" Nash asked. I got really nervous and didn't know what to say.

My mom knew I was having a kid but I never told her who the dad was.

"Your the dad Nash" I said. "How?" He asked.

"Nash we had sex! I was gonna tell you but then you broke up with me cause you thought I kissed Reese" I said.

"How come you did tell me i missed a year of my daughters life" he said. "I'm sorry Nash but we broke up" I said.

"Mommy who is this?" Emily asked referring to Nash. "This is your.... Dad" I said.

"Daddy!" Emily said as she grabbed onto his leg.

He picked her up and held her.

"Hey their princess" he said. "Daddy!" She said again happily.

"Mommy can daddy come home with us?" Emily asked. "I don't know he might be very busy and only if he wants to" I said.

"I'd love to come over" Nash said.


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Love ya😘

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now