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Nash Grier's P.O.V:

I didn't kiss Katie she kissed me. And know I'm on a plane wondering stuff.

What if she leaves me? What about the kids?

I can't do it on my own. A tear slipped out of my eye before I wiped it up.

"Daddy are you okay?" Isaac asked. "Yes. Don't worry" I told him.


I woke up. The plane was landing so I woke up Isaac .

I look over to see Claire and Emily already awake.

The plane came to a full stop as we got out.

We walked to the luggage pick up and pick out things up in silence. Everyone was so silent.

"I'm gonna call Cam to pick us up" I said but he didn't answer.

I sighed and called Cam. I told him to come picks up up. He replied with a see you in a sec, then I hung up.

Claire Underwood's P.O.V:

I'm so mad at Nash I can't believe he kissed Katie. After he said nothing was gonna change his love for me.

After a couple minutes of waiting in silence Cam came and and kids ran up to him.

"Uncle Cam" they cheered as they ran over to him. "Emily, Isaac" he yelled as he hugged them.

I walked us to Cam with my luggage and Emily's while Nash got Isaac's. "Claire!" Cam yelled as he hugged me.

"Hey Cam" I said slightly chuckling at the end. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I'll tell you at the house" I whispered in his ear then sat in the car with the kids.

Cam and Nash had a small talk about whatever before they got into the car. Nash got in the passengers seat beside Cam.

Wow! He can't even man up and talk to me.


We arrived at the house and I got out grabbing my stuff and Emily's then ran to the house.

I ran up the stairs ignoring all the boys asking what's wrong. I got to Nash and I's room.

I dropped the luggage on the floor then ran over to the bathroom and locked myself I there.

No I don't cut. Cutting just isn't the solution to my problems. I sat down an though about my life before their was a knock on the door.

"Mommy" I heard Isaac's sweet little voice. I opened the door and he walked in sitting in front of me.

"Mommy what's wrong?" Grabbing my hand. "It's not baby" I said kissing his forehead.

Just looking at Isaac makes me want to cry because he looks so much like Nash. A tear slipped down my cheek as Isaac quickly wiped it away.

"Please don't cry mom" he said. Isaac is so sweet. "Isaac you're such a sweeting caring boy please don't, break any girls hearts. Treat them right. Promise?" I asked sticking out my pinky.

"Promise" he said putting his pinky with mine. "Come on let's go downstairs mommy" Isaac said trying to help me up.

I laughed at his kind gesture then got up. I grabbed Isaac and held him on my waist going downstairs to see the boys talking.


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Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now