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I woke up the next morning wondering if I should call mom and tell her Nash proposed.

Claire: hey mom!

Mom: hey Claire! You ok?

Claire: yea just called to tell you something!

Mom: oh what is it?!

Claire: Nash proposed where getting married!

Mom: .........

Claire: mom?

Mom: you and Nash can't do this!

Claire: me and Nash can do whatever we want! Either be happy and come to the wedding or don't!

Mom: but Claire you guys are siblings

Claire: I don't care! I gotta go

Mom: bye sweetie

I hung up and groaned in frustration.

I ran downstairs to see Nash sitting down.

"I told mom we where getting married" I said. "What did she say?" Nash asked. "She said we can't then I got mad and hung up" I said.

"It's gonna be okay baby girl" Nash says as he kisses my cheek. "I know" I said as I held Emily in my hands.

"You hungry?" I ask Emily as she runs around. "Yes" Emily said. "What would you like?" I ask. "Oatmeal!" She exclaims.

"Oatmeal it is!" I say and walk over to the kitchen.

I start making her oatmeal, while its in the microwave I stare at the beautiful ring Nash got me.

"Hey" I hear. I look up and see Matt. "Hey Claire no hard feeling, I don't want you to be mad at me anymore" Matt pleads

(If you don't know why she's Matt at Matt it's because her and Matt broke up he got a girlfriend and she was a total bitch then Matt started being rude to Claire)

"No hard feelings" I say back.

I hug make then walk to the table with Emily's oatmeal.

"Hey Nash!" I yell. "Yeah Claire!" He yells back.

I walk into the living room leaving Emily their eating.

"Did you tell you parents about us?" I ask. "Yea, years ago" he said. "Ok" I chuckle.


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Love ya💞💖

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now