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We were currently at my house with Nash. We walked in and I set Emily down.

"You have a beautiful home" Nash said. "Thanks" I said smiling at him.

"Daddy" Emily yelled. "Emily has asked for her dad almost everyday since she was born" I said frowning a bit remembering the last time I seen Nash.

"What do you usually say?" He asked. "I just say she'll meet you soon" I said.

"How's mom and dad been?" He asked. "They've been good" I said. "Do they know I'm Emily's father" he asked. "No" I said.

"Where's Hayes?" I asked remembering my other brother. "Nash" I said. "Yeah" he said back. "Your the best brother ever" I said hugging him.

"Mommy" I heard Emily yell. "Yes honey" I say going to her. "I'm hungry". "Okay what do you want to eat?" I asked her.

She thought for a minute then replied. "Pizza!" She said excitedly. "I'm gonna go order one, Nash can you watch her while I order it" I asked.

"Of course Claire, she's our daughter" Nash said.

I got my phone and dialled the number then I order one large meat lovers pizza.

I walked back into the room to see Nash playing with Emily I stood their and smiled.

I wish he knew before I decided to run off.

"I hope it's fine with you that I order meat lovers" I said and they both turned around.

Gosh they look so much alike. "My fav" Nash said. I sat down with them.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked Emily. "Yea!" She yelled in excitement.

"What movie?" I asked. "The princess and the frog!" She said. "Okay" I said about to get up when Nash stopped me.

"I'll do it" Nash said as he got up and put the dvd into the player.

I heard the door bell ring, I got up and got my money then headed to the door. I open it to see the pizza man.

"That will be 6.50" the pizza guy said. I was about to hand him the money when Nash had already paid.

I got the pizza then went back to sit down. "Nash you didn't have to pay" I said. "It's fine" he said.

"I was going to visit mom tomorrow so I wanted to know if you wanted to come or not?" I asked. "Yea I haven't seen her or dad in a while" he said.

•20 minutes later•

Emily had fallen asleep so I put her into her room so she can't sleep so it was just Nash and I.

"I think I should get going" Nash said. "Okay well I'll see you around" I said. "Yea see ya" he said and with that Nash left.


I woke up the next morning on the couch. I got up and remember the events from last night.

I smiled then got up to go check on Emily. I walked into her room and seen her wide away.

"Mommy" she squealed. "Hi Em" I said. I got her up then went downstairs and sat on the couch.

"Where's daddy?" She asked. "He had to go" I said. "Where?" She asked. "Home" I said.

"Home? Why can't daddy live here?" She asked. "I don't know" I said

Emily got up and started yelling.

"I want daddy! I want daddy!" She screamed over and over again. I finally decided to call Nash.

Claire: hey Nash

Nash: hey Claire

Claire: I'm sorry if I woke you up but Emily wants you, she won't stop yelling that she wants you

Nash: I'll be over in a bit

Claire: are you sure? You don't have to?

Nash: Claire I want to

He said and I hung up awaiting his arrival.


"Thanks for coming Nash" I said as he took Emily and sat down.

"No problem Claire" he said.

"Well we were just about to go visit mom if you wanted to come?" I asked. "Yea I'd love to" Nash said.

We got dressed then hopped in Nash's car and out Emily in her seat belt.


We got to our parents house and walked out the car and too the front door.

We knocked and within seconds Nash and I's mom answered.


Hey guys! Hope you like it! Comment and vote lovelys💕

Love ya😘

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now