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Our mom opened the door.

"Hey Claire and Emily- oh my god Nash!!" She said hugging him. "I've missed you so much" she said.

We all walked in and sat down. "Chad!!" I yelled as he came downstairs, I hugged him then say back down near Emily.


We stayed at their house for a while.

"Grandma!!" Emily yelled to Nash and I mom. "Yes Em" she said.

"I met daddy today!!" She squealed, Nash and I gave each other a look.

"Nash please take Emily to the car" I said before she could say anything and Nash picked her up and waited in the car.

"Who is the dad of Emily?" Mom questioned. "I can't tell you know" I said before leaving.

"Hey!" I said as I entered the car. "Did you tell her" Nash asked. "No" I sighed.


We got to Nash's house cause he insisted we stay and his and Emily wouldn't stop asking.

I unbuckled Emily's seat belt then got her out and held her in my arms on my waist.

We walked up to his house and damn it is huge!

We walked inside and it was even bigger! "You like it?" Nash asked. "Yea I love it" I said smiling back at him.

"This house will be yours to someday" Nash said. I blushed. "Hope so" I whispered.

"Do you guys want something to eat?" Nash asked. "Yes!" Emily said and we both laughed.

We walked into the kitchen and sat on a stool while Emily sat in her high chair.

"What would you guys like?" Nash asked. "Spaghetti and meatballs" I said and Emily clapped.

The last time I remember Nash wasn't the best cook ever.

"Want some help?" I asked. "No it's fine" Nash said. "Are you sure?" I asked again.

"I'm sure, I went to cooking classes and that where I met my girlfriend" Nash said. "Oh you have a girlfriend...." I trailed off.

"Yea" Nash said. I sat in silence and Emily was the only one talking.


After eating we were sitting in the living room watching to when we heard the front door open.

Nash rushed to the door, he came back with this girl she was 2 inches taller than me and had brown hair and light grey eyes.

This must be his girlfriend. "Um.. Babe who is this?" The girl asked. "This is Claire my ex" I said.

"You better stay away from Nash he's mine!" She yelled. "Oh no don't worry about that" I said.

She calmed down and apologized.

"Daddy!" Emily yelled. As she ran to him and he Picked her up.

"Nash can I speak to you in the kitchen!" Brianna Nash's girlfriend said.

"Okay" he said and they went to the kitchen.

Nash's pov

Brianna called me to the kitchen to talk, we made it and she looked angry.

"You have a kid!" Brianna yelled. "I just found out today" I said.

She just stormed out and into the living room.

When I got to the living room Claire and Emily where gone.

"She's gone" I thought out loud. "Good that slut left!" Brianna said. "Be nice for once" I yelled.

I left the house and got into my car trying to find Claire and Emily. 

I was driving a bit long when I seen a lady and a little girl in her hands.

"Claire!" I yelled and they turned around and it was Claire and Emily.

I got out the car an went over to them.

"Why'd you leave?" I asked. "It was obvious we weren't wanted" she said

"You were wanted" . "Get in the car I'll drive you back mine" I said.

"I don't wanna go their when Brianna is there" I said. "Okay fine, at least let me take you back to our original house" he said.

"Fine" I said getting into the car and putting Emily in a car seat.

"Mommy where are we going?" Emily asked. "Where going to my second home" I said tying her shoelaces.


Later that night we arrived to the house and surprisingly Emily was still wide awake.

I unbuckled her then carried her out.

"Wow mommy it huge!" Emily said in amazement. "I know baby girl".

We walked up to the door with Nash and knocked. Moment later the door open and their stood Matt.

"Claire?" Matt said. "Yes it's me! I live here to so excuse me" I said pushing past him not wanting to talk to him.

Nash's pov

We got to the door and Claire knocked. The wind was blowing her beautiful hair and Emily's too.

The door open and their stood Matt. "Claire?" He said. "Yes it's me! I live here to so excuse me" she said pushing past him.

I was about to go in when Matt stopped me.


Hey guys! Hope you love it! Comment and vote💕

Love ya😘

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now