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Claire Underwood's P.O.V:

He said he wanted to be alone, I'm just trying to comfort him and make him feel better.

I walk back downstairs. "Matt do you know who this Katie girl is? And why he is acting so weird?" I asked.

"Yes but I think Nash should tell you" Matt said.

(The kids are all at their cousins or grandparents house for 3 weeks)

"Okay fine" I said.

I marched up the stairs and knocked on Nash's door.

"It's me Claire" I said knocking one more time. I heard no answer. I got fed up and walked into his room.

Their Nash was sitting in his bed reading some papers and slightly crying.

He sees me and shoves the papers back into the box. I take that as my opportunity to walk over and sit on his bed, so I do.

"Nash are you okay?" I ask rubbing his arm. "No" he sniffled. "Nash in your wife please tell me what's wrong" I said.

"Fine" he sighed.

"Their is this girl named Katie, she was my best friend and" he took a pause. "Girlfriend" he choked.

"I love her so much" he cried into my shoulder. "It's okay Nashy keep going" I said. "She used to call me Nashy" he whispered.

"Anyway, one day Katie and I where hanging out, we where on the grass then her sweater" he stopped and looked around the room. "It flew into the road" he sniffled.

"I couldn't stop it, I couldn't save her" he cried into my arms. "She's gone, she died" he finished.

"Oh Nash I'm so sorry"

"I miss her, her eyes the way they sparkled when she seen me, or said my name. They way her hair flowed in the wind. Also the way her e-"

"You're not over her.. Are you?" I chocked/ interrupted him.

I didn't want to know the answer, if it was a yes. I know this girl is dead but I feel like I still have competition with her.

"No" he sighed looking at the ground. "Can I see a picture?" I asked referring to this Katie girl.

He walked over to one of his draws and opened it. He dug through it looking for the picture.

He sighed in relief as he pulled out the picture.

Handing it to me I looked at her.

Katie was beautiful, more beautiful than me. I don't even know why Nash is married to an ugly piece of shit like me.

Katie was astonishing. I get why Nash was in love with her, we'll still In Love with her.

Suddenly I felt self conscious about myself. I was way ugly.

I sighed handing Nash the picture.

"Katie's mother sent me some letters that she wrote to me. Katie love to write. But I know I may sound selfish but I want these notes all to myself, just for me no on else to see" he said.

"I get it" I sighed.

"The boys where gonna go to a party tonight, you should go" I suggested. "I don't know" he said.

"It'll be fun to take your mind off things" I said. "Okay fine" he said and got ready.


"Bye have fun, but not to much fun" I said kissing Nash on the cheek.

They all left and I just a went up to my room. When I started to think..

I wonder what that Katie girl write to Nash?

I know what I am about to do is bad but I have to see what Katie wrote so I'm gonna borrow a note. And read it.

I got off my bed and ran too my room door and into Nash's room. I searched his draws first cause that's where he keeps everything.

I found the box and opened it slightly and grabbed a letter running back to my room.

I sat on the bed with my back against the wall ready to read it.  Here goes nothing.

Dear Nash,

Hey Nash baby, it's me Katie. Of course you knew that though. This is my first letter.

I wanted my first one to be fire you because I love you so much. So let's start.

Nash I love you so much. More than words can explain. You changed my life so much, and for the better of it.

I remember the first time you met my parents you where so nervous. I told you everything was gonna be okay, and it was.

Remember when we first met? Cause I do. I was walking outside and we bumped into each other.

My books went flying around the school hallway and you helped my pick them up.

We went to reach for the same book and out hands touched.

I felt the Sparks? Did you? We looked up and your beautiful blue eyes met with my hazel brown ones.

You cleared your throat than got up making me think you didn't like me. But I had no doubt you didn't.

A couple weeks, later we ended up dating. You get they rest but I just wanted to say...

I love you Nashy

Xoxo Katie.

I finished reading the note then laid on my bed thinking.


A stranger twist is gonna come soon. Read more to find out.

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now