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"Are you guys together?" Matt asked still standing outside in the freezing cold.

"No! Know let me in I'm freezing" I said walking in him following behind me.

"That means I can get her back!" Matt said smiling. "I don't think so buddy" I said.

"And why is that?" Matt asked kinda mad. "You see that little girl she is holding?" I asked and Matt looked over to the little girl.

"Yea why?" He asked again is he really that stupid to realize that's my child. "That's my daughter" I said smiling like crazy.

"Shit!" Matt said under his breath but still loud enough for me to hear him.

"Nash!" I heard Claire calling me. "Yea" I said walking over to her.

"Can you call the boys down here so they can meet Emily". "Of course I'd do anything for you" I said kissing her cheek.

I went upstairs to cams room to see the boys and him in their.

"Claire's here with her daughter" I said.
(Btw Claires 18) "Claire!" They yelled ruining past me not even acknowledging my presence.

I followed them downstairs and see them huddle around her.

Claires pov

Nash went to go get the boys when I heard. "Claire!" Then here a stampede of boys coming downstairs.

"Hey Claire we've missed you" cam said hugging me. "So the little cutie what's her name?" Taylor asked.

"Emily" I said. "Well hello Emily" carter said. "Emily is the cutest thing ever! Who's the dad?" Hayes asked.

"The dads Nash" I said and they all looked over to Nash then looked back at me.

"Emily this is uncle Taylor and uncle cam and uncle carter and uncle Hayes and uncle Matt" I said pointing  at each boy when I say their name.

Emily's pov

Wow I have a lot of uncles. And I mean a lot.

Claires pov

"I have a lot of uncle" Emily giggled. "I have a present for her!" Taylor said as he ran upstairs.

He came back with a bandana in his hand, he wrapped it around Emily's head.

"Uncle Tay is her favourite" Taylor said proudly.

"Im gonna go put Emily to sleep then come back down" I said. "Here let me take her" Nash said taking a sleeping Emily out of my hands.

"Are you sure?" I asked not wanting him to do it if he doesn't want to. "I'm sure Claire" Nash said then went upstairs.

"I'm so glad you back Claire!" Matt said. I'm still mad at him. "Why did you leave Claire?" Taylor asked.

"Yea why?" Carter asked. "You left me" Hayes said. "Just calm down an I'll explain" I said and they quieted down.

" my ex boyfriend Reese he came to the door saying he loved me and wanted me back, but I said I did wanna get back together with him, but out of no where he kissed me then Nash came and seen, he got mad thinking I kissed him when I really didn't, and at that time i was pregnant, then Nash broke up with me so that night I bought a house moved in and changed my contact info" I said.

Nash's pov

I was done putting Emily to sleep when I heard Claire talking, she was talking about why she left.

She was done explaining and I felt like such an asshole, she doesn't deserve me, she deserves someone better.

Claires pov

"Are you hungry?" Cam asked. "No I'm fine, but I'm just gonna go to bed" I said not feeling in the mood to talk anymore.

I walked up the stairs and stopped in front of my room door, let me go say night to Nash before I go to bed.

I walked to his door and stopped right in front of it, I lifted my hand lightly the knocked.

"Who is it?" His raspy voice spoke. "It's Claire" I said. "Oh come in" he said.

I walked in to see him sitting on his bed.

"I just wanted to say thanks for everything and good night" I said. "Of course Claire she's my daughter an I love both my girls" he said.

He said both my girl which my my heart speed up then stop cause he was referring to Brianna.

"By both your girls you me Brianna and Emily?" I questioned. "Nope I mean you and my beautiful daughter" he said making me blush.

"Do you mind if I take Emily on a daddy- daughter day?" He asked. "Course Nash you guys should bond" I said.

"I should get to sleep so night" I said. "Okay night" he said back the I left.

I walked to my old room and everything was the same. I laid on the bed then drifted off to sleep.


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Love ya😘

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now