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Claire Underwood's P.O.V:

I was going through my draws looking for the perfect bikini.

"Nash which one should I wear?" I asked holding a neon green fringe bikini or just a Amazon pattern one.

"The neon green one" he said. I quickly threw it one and put shorts and a shirt over it.

I got my beach bag that I'll be using for boating and put a towel, sunscreen, and lotion in it.

"I'm gonna go get the kids ready" I said and walked over to the room Isaac and Emily were sharing.

I walked in to see Emily in her one price blue bathing suit. And Isaac in swimming shorts and a shirt.

I put shorts and a shirt on Emily.

"Get your beach bags full with things" I said and they started putting towels and other things in their bags.


We got to the dock. We walked up to a huge white boat.

I got on board with emit following beside me. Isaac only being 6 Nash had to carry him on board.

(Btw Emily is 13)

Then Katie got on and then Cassandra and Elizabeth.

We got on and the boat left the dock driving to the waters.

We stopped at a good place nothing surrounding it.

"Let's go swimming!" Emily yelled then jumped into the water then we laughed.

I put floaties on Isaac because he's never swam in an lake or ocean or whatever you wanna called it.

Then Isaac jumped in. Katie changed into her swimsuit which was way to small for her.

Nash jumped in then Katie but I didn't want to swim yet.

•20 minutes later•

"Um... Claire" Elizabeth said. "Oh yes" I said. "Look" she pointed to Katie trying to get close to Nash.

"I got this" I said and jumped into the water. I swam up to Nash.

"Hey Nash babe" I said hugging him. "Claire!" He said.

We swam under water and did one of those under water kiss thingy.

We went back up and then went to the boat and sat together.

"When are we going back to Cali" I asked. "Um.. I'm not really sure" he said. "Can we go back soon?" I asked.

(Btw cam,Taylor. Carter and the rest went back to Cali)

"Yea of course, we'll leave tomorrow" he said and I instantly got happy.


I finished packing so has Nash and the kids. So know where all in Nash's room watching tv.

"I'm gonna make dinner. What do you guys want?" Nash asked. "Spaghetti!" Isaac cheered. "Spaghetti it is" he said then left.

•1 hour later•

It has been an hour since Nash went to go make the spaghetti and he still hasn't come up or Called up to eat.

"I'm hungry" Emily whined. "Me too" Isaac said. "I'm gonna go check on daddy ok?" I said. "Ok" they both nodded.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to see something I never wanted to see....

Nash kissing Katie.

"How could you!" I yelled. "Claire. She ki-"

"Save it! I don't wanna hear your excuses!" I yelled then went upstairs.

Halfway up he grabbed my wrists.

"Claire please listen to me" he begged.

"No! You where down here kissing some other girl when I was upstairs with our kids! Remember our kids! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you, I knew I wasn't good enough for you. Way to make me feel like shit Nash!" I said then stormed upstairs.

•The next day•

We were currently in a taxi going to the airport.

It was Nash, Emily, Isaac and I. We reached the airport and got our suitcases out then went through security.

We waited till our plane was boarding. "Claire can we talk?" He asked. "Not here." I said.

I wasn't actually gonna talk to him. I wanna be alone.

"Flight 267 to California boarding" the flight attendant called.

We grabbed our things and rolled it over to the lady, we gave her our tickets then went aboard.

I was sitting beside Emily and Isaac was with Nash.

"Why are you and dad fighting?" Emily asked. "Don't worry Emily. It's fine" I said.

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now