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Claire Underwood's P.O.V:

I woke up in a basement with Nash. I started to freak out a bit and then I remembered why we were here.

I put my clothes back on and shook Nash away.






I got louder each time I said his name. "What?" He said.

He opened one eye, then closed it back. "Get up" I said. "Why?" He asked. "You're naked, the kids are upstairs and so are your parents and Katie" I said.

"Oh" he said before getting up and putting his clothes back on.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked as we walked back up to Nash's room. (If you forgot there at their parents house)

"We should go on the boat" Nash said. "Yeah that's would be fun you, the kids and I" I said. "Babe you forgot Katie and Cassandra. Please be nice" he said.

"I didn't forget" I mumbled. "I heard that" he said. "Plus I am nice. She's the one trying to steal you from me" I said.

"That won't happen" he reassured. "I'm gonna go check on the kids" I said standing up.

"Babe are you mad at me?" He asked. "No Nash. I'm just checking in the kids". "oh" he said and I left to the kids room.

I was walking to the kids room when I heard someone get out their room, I looked to see Katie.

She quickly walked up to me. "Hi Claire" she said. "Hi" I said not interested in having a conversation with her.

"Listen Nash is mine. Back off" she said. "Make me" I said. "Oh I will" she said then skipped off.

I walked into the kids rooms and seen them awake. "Are you guys hungry?" I asked them.

"Yea" Isaac said and Emily nodded.

I grabbed their hands and walked downstairs. I grabbed 2 bowls from the cabinet and pour cereal and milk into them.

I handed them the bowls as they started eating. "Where going on a boat ride later. Ok?" I said. "Okay" they both said then returned to eating.

I walked back up to the room. Nash was sitting on the bed scrolling through Twitter or something.

"Nash?" I said. "Yes babe" he staid no moving his eyes from his screen. "We need to talk" I said.

"What! You're not breaking up with me are you? I knew it I knew you where gonna end things. Please don't I need you a-"

"I'm not breaking up with you, it's something else" I said. "Oh, ok what's wrong?" He asked.

"I was in the hallway going to the kids room when Katie came up to me and told me to back off you" I said.

"Are you sure?" He asked. "Yes I'm sure! I'm not crazy." I said. "I wasn't saying you're crazy I was just saying-"

"Are you trying to say I'm a lair!" I yelled. "Babe no! Just listen!" He yelled.

"I was just asking if you're sure. Ok" he said then kissed my forehead.

I checked the time on my phone and it read 12:36.

"We should go boating or whatever you call it now" I said. "Yea. We should go tell the others" he said and I agreed.

We walked downstairs to see everyone watching tv. "Hey guys" Nash said sitting on and seat.

Their where no seats left so I sat on his lap. "Where going boating wanna come?" Nash asked. "Yes sure" his mom and Cassandra said.

"OMG! Nashy remember when we used to go boating. It was so much fun" she over exaggerated. "Not really but okay" he said.

"We should got get ready and stuff" I said and he followed behind me.


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