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As we sat in iHop a waiter came to our table. "Hello, we have a large group today and show may I help you" he said smiling. "We're good" I said.

"Are you ready to order?" He asked. "Yes!" Lana said.

I order pancakes, eggs, bacon, noodles.

I know it seems like I ordered a lot but I just love my food. "Isaac behave" I said.

"What's new?" I asked. "Nothing really" carter says.

As we were talking our food come he sets my food on the table in front of me.

"Whoa Claire you ordered a lot of food!" Matt says. "Yea so what?" I ask. "Are you pregnant?" Abby asked.

"I am not!" I say and continue eating. "My girl just likes to eat" Nash says. "Nash your such a shit head" I say and continue eating.

He starts pouting. It's his eyes that always brings you back. "Fine" I say kissing his lips.

"How long has it been since you guys did you know what?" Carter asked. I choked on my drink.

"Oh that's not good, she's a gagger has she ever deep throated your dick because of she's a gagger that's not good" jack g said and everyone laughed.

"I am not a gagger" I say.

•At home•

We just got home from iHop and the kids ran upstairs to go play.

"What should we do?" Caitlyn asked. "I honestly have not idea" I said.

We all sat in the living room wondering what to do today. I honestly don't have any ideas because we have kids and we can't really do some much things.


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Qotd: what's your favourite singer?
Aotd: Shawn mendes.

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now