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Claire Underwood's P.O.V:

My eyes widened. No she can't be alive. Nash will leave me for her.

I just can't do this. Tears were brimming my eyes.

I blinked sending the tear rolling down my cheek. I wiped it up, so no one will notice.

A cab finally came and we hopped in.

I sat beside Taylor.

"What if he leaves me for her?" I whispered to Taylor. "Don't worry he won't do that" Taylor replied.

I played with Emily's hair.

I had Emily on my lap and Taylor had Isaac on his.

Nash Grier's P.O.V:

The drive to the house a pretty boring considering I wouldn't talk to anyone. The car came to a halt in front of my house.

I got my suitcase and threw it on the yard and ran to the front door with Claire, Emily and Isaac right beside me.

I walked into the house and seen my mom and Katie's mom Cassandra on the couch talking. 

"Where is she?" I asked. "Hey Nash" Cassandra came to me and hugged me.

"Who's this?" She asked.

"My wife Claire, and my kids Emily and Isaac. And the boys are in the yard" I said.

"Oh.... I miss the boys" was all she said.

"It's good to have you back home" my mother said hugging me.

"I thought she was dead. how is she alive?" I asked.

"She was in the hospital and the doctors said she was gonna died. So I told you to leave. And then... "


I was sitting in the hospital waiting room waiting for them to let me go see Katie.

"You can go visit her now" a nurse said. I got up and walked to her room 126.

I walked in and saw Katie laying their lifeless. Her skin pale, and bruises on her.

The door opened and closed but I didn't take my gaze off Katie.

"Nash" Cassandra sighed. I can tell its her by her voice. "Yes" I said facing her.

"You should go home" she said. "No I wan-"

"Nash go! She might not wake up anyways" she said. "How do you know that?" I asked.

"The doctors told me. Now go!" She said.

I went home and never went to the hospital again, after that. And the. I got invited to Magcon so I went.

End of flashback

I sighed and looked up at everyone.

"I'm gonna go put my things in my room and then I'll come back down" I said. "Okay" Claire said kissing my cheek.

"Can I come too daddy?" Emily asked. I looked down at her blue little eyes and the I looked at Isaac's blue eyes.

"Yea come one" I said I grabbed Emily's hand and then my suitcase and walked up into my room.

I walked into the bathroom that was in my room with Emily following behind me.

I splashed cold water on my face while Emily sat on the toilet.

I turned off the tap and walked over to my desk with old photos of me and showed Emily.


I turned around to see her sitting on my bed with her legs crossed. I blinked several times making sure this is real.



Sorry for leaving so much cliffhangers.

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Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now