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I woke up to the sound of giggling. And the bed shaking.

I open my eyes and see Nash and Claire jumping on the bed.

"Get up mommy!" Emily yelled. "Oh so you guys think it funny to wake me up" I said trying to hold in my laughs.

They both looked at each other than back at me before shouting "yes!".

I started tickling Emily then I started tickling Nash. We're like one big happy family.

"Aww look at the happy family" we heard from the door. We look up and seen cam.

"Well yes we are!" Nash said. "Emily you and Nash have a daddy- daughter day" I said and she started to get excited.

"Yay!" She yelled jumping into Nash's arms.

I look a quick picture on my phone.


Nash and Emily left to their daddy- daughter day a while ago.

I feel bored and useless without Emily, she's the one that keeps me moving and on my feet and know I have nothing to do.

I was about to get up when my phone ringed . I looked at the caller ID and it said Nash.

Nash: hey Claire

Claire: hey how's Emily

Nash: she's good

Claire: that's good

Nash: come to our mom and dads house.

Claire: why?

Nash: we have to tell them

Claire: about you and me and Em?

Nash: yes

Claire: okay be their soon.

I got up and hopped into the car and drove to my mom and dads house.


I finally made it and I could see Nash's car parked into the drive way.

I got out and walked up to the house and knocked on the door and chad (Claire and Nash and Hayes dad)

I don't call chad by his name or step dad cause that would be weird.

"Hey dad" I said hugging him. "Hey Claire bear" he said.

I walked in and seen Nash, Emily, and my mom sitting on the couch.

I sit down beside Emily and chad sits beside Nash.

"Mom I'm gonna tell you who the dad of Emily is and I'm so sorry for not telling you these past years ok?" I said.

"Okay" mom and chad said. "So the dad of Emily is.... Nash!" I said

Their eyes widened and theirs jaws dropped.

"Did you guys date?" My mom asks. "Yes" Nash said. "How long?" Chad asked. "6 months" I said.

"You guys know whatever you guys have going on or want to go on has to stop" my mom said.

"No! I love Claire and if I wanna be with her I will!" Nash yelled. "Nash calm down remember Em is here" I said trying to calm him down.

"What about your fans Nash, what would they think?" Chad asked. "I don't care what they would think" he said.

"Come on Claire and Emily let's go!" Nash said. I grabbed Emily and we left.

"I'll take Em in my car and we'll follow you" I said. "Okay" Nash said kissing my cheek giving me nerves.

Nash's pov

On the way back to the house I decided to call Brianna.

Nash: hey Bri

Brianna: hey Nash

Nash: Brianna?

Brianna: yes babe

Nash: I wanna break up

Brianna: what! You want a break?why?

Nash: I guess I just don't love you

Brianna: it is because of Claire

Nash: no I just realized I love Claire not you!

Brianna: okay bye Nash

Nash: you can keep the house and bye

I ended the call then gave a sigh of relief.

Claires pov

We got back to the house, I unbuckled Emily from her seat belt.

"Mommy how come grandma and grandpa where mad?" Emily asked.

"I'll tell you once you get older okay Em" I said and she nodded her head meaning okay.

I walked over and Nash was waiting for us we walked over to him then walked in together.

"That was better than I thought" I said. "Yea" Nash said.

"How was ur daddy- daughter day?" I asked Nash. "It was fun right Em?". "Yea" she said.

"Claire would you go on a date tonight with me?" Nash asked. "Yes!" I said hugging him.

"When shall I get dressed?" I asked. "Where leaving 7:00 and dress fancy" Nash said.

I checked the time and it was 5:30 so I decided I should go get ready.

"I'm gonna ask cam to watch Em while I get ready" I said and ran upstairs and handed Em to cam.


I finished getting ready I was wearing a red tight dress with red sparkling shoes.

I curled my hair and put on mascara and eyeliner keeping my make up simple. 

I walked over to cams room making sure for Nash not to see me.

I walked in and saw cam playing with Emily. "Hey guys!" I said and all the boys turned to me.

"Whoa Claire you look beautiful" cam said. "Thanks! How do you think I look Em?" I asked.

"Very pretty!" She squealed. "Have fun!" Taylor said. "But not too much fun!" Matt said.

"Bye" carter said and i said by back


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Love ya😘

Stepbrother 2 (a Nash Grier fanfic) sequel to stepbrotherWhere stories live. Discover now