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Nash Grier's P.O.V:

"Yes Nash its me" Katie said sitting on the bed.

I just stared at her. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was just as beautiful as she was before.

I loved Katie, I still do but my love for Claire is stronger.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Emily tugging on the hem of my shirt.

I picked her up and held her on my torso.

"Who's this cutie?" Katie asked standing up and playing with Emily's hands. "This is my daughter Emily" I said.

Katie's expression slightly changed to a sad look but then she put back on a smile. "So you're married?" She asked.

"Yes" I said. "What happened to forever Nash?" She asked. "They told me you died Katie! What was I supposed to do? I had to move on!" I yelled.

"Is she your only child?" Katie asked. "No I have a son named Isaac" I said. "I wanna see him. Is he down there with your wife?" Katie asked.

Katie sure does ask a lot of these questions. "Yea" I nodded.

Katie ran down the stairs and Claire was still standing by the door with Isaac.

I follow behind her with Emily in my hands as I stood beside Claire.

"You're Claire? Nash's wife?" Katie asked. "Yes I am, and who are you?" Claire asked. "I'm Katie" she said.

"Oh it's nice to meet you".

"Nice to meet you too".

"This must be Isaac" she said looking at him. "He looks so much like you" Katie's said.

We all sat down in the living room talking.

You could tell that Cassandra didn't really like Claire. I don't know if Katie likes Claire.

Claire Underwood's P.O.V:

Katie's mom Cassandra didn't like me. I'm not sure if Katie does, but she's been nice to me.

Katie is so much more prettier in person. I would be surprised if one day Nash says "I've been having an affair with Katie" or "I'm leaving you for Katie".

"Claire!" Nash said snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yea baby" I said. "Where going out for dinner let's get ready" Nash said.

We both stood up then had a long passionate kiss in front of everyone then went to go change.

Once we got into our room I decided knew should be a good time to ask Nash.

"Nash" I said. "Yea babe" he said pulling out a pair of khakis and then facing me.

"Will you leave me for Katie" I asked. He dropped his pants on the floor then ran up to me sand held my sides.

"Babe I would never to that. Who told you that? And why would you even think that?" He asked.

"No one told me that. I just thought it because Katie is so much more prettier than me" I said. "Babe that not true. I would choose you over her any day" he said.

I smiled and kissed his lips. That one peck turned into a make out session.

I quickly pulled away. "Why'd you pull away?" Nash asked. "Had you forgot we have to go to a dinner" I said. "How about tonight?" Nash asked.

"Fine" I said giving in.


We arrived to a fancy dinner place. I was wearing a black tight dress with some like make up and my hair was curled.

I walked in with Nash's hand inter winded with mine.

We got seated then searched through are menus.  Soon a waiter came to take our orders.

"Hello I'm Jacob your waiter, what would you guys like to order" he asked.

Everyone had already ordered expect me Katie.

"I would like stake and potatoes please" I said "and a nestea"

"I would like a salad" Katie said.

"Nash remember when you said you liked girls that eat light" she said.

That doesn't make me feel bad so I don't really care.

"Yea but over the times I changed my mind" Nash said and her face dropped to a frown.

After a couple minutes of waiting our food came. Along with our drinks.

"Claire how did you and Nash meet?" Katie asked as everyone's attention turned to me.

I hope Katie didn't realize that I was Nash's sister. Should I make something up.

I gave Nash a look that said should I tell the truth. He nodded so I decided s to tell the truth.

"I was at my mom's wedding. She was marrying this guy. His name was chad." I stopped and looked over at my mom than chad.

"My mom wanted me to go meet chads sons so I did. And Nash was one of the sons" Katie and Cassandra's  eyes widened. 

"A couple months after we all moved in to their house Nash and I started dating so yea that's how we met" I said.

"Wait so Nash was your step brother and you married him?" Cassandra asked. "Yep" Nash said.

"Wow" Katie said shocked.


The dinner was over and I was laying in bed with Nash right beside me watching a movie.

"Let's finish what we started" Nash said excitedly. We haven't had sex in a while.

"Okay" I said. I got up and walked downstairs with Nash following behind me. "Where are you going?" He asked but I didn't reply.

I walked into the basement then plopped myself down in the fluffy carpet.

"The basement duh so no one will hear us" I said. "Smart thinking" he said.


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