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It's been a week since the new girl started. I started calling her  my pet. I see her flinching with anger and sadness every time I call her a name. I try to control my laughter but sometimes my smile just creeps up and I just can't help it.

I was walking back from the vending machine since my room hasn't been refilled with snacks or drinks yet. So now I have to buy them until that happens. As I was walking back I see my pet talking to Kiba who's in billing. He handles our pay checks, voice actor pay checks, etc. He is on the second floor.

I watch them chat and they start to laugh. Then he gently set his hand on her shoulder and she starts to gaze up at him. Like what does she think she's doing. I won't allow her to get all romantic on my floor. Why is he even up here?

I slam my snack on the table and I stomp over there. I grab Hinata's, yes I said her name but it was only in my thought. I grab her wrist and being to storm off dragging her with me.

"What do you think your doing?" She tries to push me off and  my grip only gets tighter.

"Kiba don't you belong on the second floor?" I heard some co-workers that were passing by go oooow. "Let's go pet you have a job that doesn't include flirting."

"I'm not a pet and I wasn't flirting!" Wow her stuttering has greatly improved. With all her strength she stops which causes me to stop. "I can get to my desk all by myself." I released her from my grip and she walks off leaving me stunned.

Ugh the old me would never of did something like that even much less cared. It's time for her to go.

I go to my personal room and start to draw up plans for someway to get her fired. I know I sound like a kid but I know it will work.

Then my phone buzzes I look down and it says Dobe. Ugh what does he want?

I look at the text he sent and it said
Yo, where are you? I came up to ask if you wanted to get drinks after work and everyone says you've been gone for hours. I'm coming to that room NOW!

It hasn't been hours has it? I look at the time and yeah it has. I haven't finished any of my work which means now I'll be staying late. Great.

I rush out the room locking it. I see Naruto and he quickly stops me. "Hey drinks tonight you in?"

"Got to work late."

"Next time then Teme."

I wave a goodbye and I run down the halls to my office. Everyone was starting to leave and my little pet was sitting there angered. She sat at her desk with her arms crossed and her brow buried.

I try to walk past her casually but she definitely noticed me. "Where have you been?" Her voice didn't seem angry only confused and worried. Wow she is weak. "I've had calls and calls. There was even a urgent report from one of the mangers of the animes you edit."

"Well what was it."

"Something about him sending the new episode, that it needs to be done today and blah blah. He left a message on your machine."

"What was his name?" If Im right on who it is he's only gonna bring trouble. 

"I think he said his name was Itachi. Something like that."

"Ugh okay great just great." I walked to my desk and she stood up in front of it.

"Do I need to stay?"

"No you may leave to your home you can't exactly help me."

"I can try." She walked up behind me.

I snapped, "NO you can't, This is grown up work and the little princess has probably never had to do that before."

She looked at me shocked and ran out the room. No one was even in here. Whatever it's not like I care. 

After I finished my hours of work it was one in the morning and I knew If I went home now I could sleep a little while. I start to head out the department and when I was walking out I noticed something. I looked into the break room and there she was. She was sleeping on the tiny couch with a small blanket, her bag was beside her and it was filled with clothes and other stuff.

My hand makes contact with my face thinking of what I was about to do. I walk in there and shake her. "Get up and get your stuff."

She wakes up and looks at me. Surprised and confused. "I'm s-sorry it's its its j-just-"

"I don't care. Just get your stuff ." She grabs her stuff and follows me to my black sports car.

"W-where are w-we going?"

I didn't answer her and just started the car. We drove in silence. When we got to my apartment building I parked the door and got out. I started to walk to the elevator of the building and I noticed she wasn't coming. I go back to the car and she's passed out with her head on the window. I open the door and she falls out only her seatbelt keeping her up.

"Oh um sorry." She unbuckled and grabbed her bag. "Is t-this your place?"

"My apartment building." We get in the elevator and go to the top floor.

It was silent and we was both tired. I go to the door of my apartment and pull out my key. I open it up and warn her, "sorry it's sorta messy."

I go into the kitchen and pull out a microwaveable dish. "Want one? It's not much since I don't have time to cook."

"Oh Thanks that's fine." She sits at the table. "Your apartment is huge."

I didn't say anything back because I already know. I get the food ready and hand it to her.

We eat and it's silent. "I'm sorry for pushing you earlier." I looked up shocked. She shouldn't be saying sorry I should but my pride is to big for that.

"I guess you was only trying to help in a annoying way."

"Is that your way of trying to say sorry." I blush a slight tint and look away.

"No." I have to think of something quick, "that's me telling you nicely how annoying you are."

"I'll take it!" She smiles and blushes a little.

"Well I'll sleep on the couch and you can sleep in my bed."

"N-no I can't." She looks away and blushes.

"Why not?"

"I don't won't to be a bother." I can tell she's lying but I bet that's part of the truth.

"Don't lie." I start to lead her to my room to show her where.

She doesn't go in the room and stands outside of it. "I just I well I've n-never-"

"You've never been in a guys room?"

She looks down hiding her blush and nods her head yes. "I'm honored that I could be your first." I smile and chuckle.

"Don't say it like that!" She looks up at me with a blush still on her. I've never noticed before but she's kinda cute Especially with that blush. Her midnight blue hair frames her face perfectly now since she's forced to wear better tighter fitting clothes her curves really show. She's kinda hot. "S-Sasuke-Senpai?"

"Senpai?" I give a confused look and smile slightly.

"Oh I'm s-sorry."

"Stop apologizing so much." I take her hand and force her in my room. "It's a little dirty." It was mostly clothes and books on the floor.

I take her to my bed and quickly run out the door to grab her bag.

When I come back she's already passed out on the bed. I set her bag beside the bed and head to the couch, yay.

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