New Roomate

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I wake up to the sweet aroma of waffles. I get up and see the princess making breakfast. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had a apron on that she probably found in the closet.

I get up and I'm only wearing boxers. I stripped off my shirt and pants when I went to sleep. "What time is it?" I ask heading to the fridge and getting the orange juice.

"Nine." She turns around and sees me drinking from the carton and gives me a death glare. Then she notices what I'm wearing. Her face quickly turns as red as them good tomatoes I like, "AH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING." She yells as loud as she could surprised.

"ITS NINE." I quickly run to my room and throw a shirt on. "DAMNIT WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP?" I yell hoping into the kitchen trying to pull my pants up.

I was just about to walk out the door when I hear her say "it's Saturday."

"Oh." I close the door and come back in. I take off my pants and shirt again.

I hear a thud and I look and don't see Hinata. "PET?" I run to the kitchen and she fainted and fell on the floor. "Shit I don't know how to cook." I say out outloud to myself.

"Please wake up." I get down on the floor and shake her. She doesn't wake up. I fill a bowl with cold water and dump it on her. The water splashes back up getting me wet too.  "Damn." I bend down and she starts to open her eyes. "Quickly pet the food is gonna burn." She looks at me and her face starts to turn red. I'm confused on why though. "What?"

She snaps back to reality and jumps up. She quickly finished the food and set the food out. "Sorry." She said as she put the food on the table.

"Let's eat."

"Okay." She sits down and starts to eat.

"So about last night why was you sleeping there?"

"I would rather not talk about it."

"Well princess, I guess you can pay me a small amount to stay here."

She looks up with her eyes glistening. "Really? T-thank you so m-much!"

"Your gonna have to cook, clean, do laundry, and other stuff for payment."

"Of course." She starts to eat again and I chow down.

After I finish and she does I get up to go and take a shower. "Oh when I get back I'll show you around the place."

"Get back from where?"

"A date."

I take a shower and put on my casual nice clothes. Something simple just black pants and a black v-neck. I head out and grab my key. "See ya." I say loud enough for her to hear while closing the door.

It wasn't actually a date. Well sorta but it's not like anything is going to happen.

I get to the cafe and sit down. I wait a few minutes with my patience running thin.  Then I see her walk in.  A huge grin appeared on my face as she runs and hugs me.

Hinata's POV

That jerk. He's just gonna leave me here with nothing to do? Well I guess it's okay. I can look around and see what I'm getting myself into.

I go to his room which is pretty dirty. Maybe I'll start his laundry since most of his dirtiness is from his clothes. I look around and can't find a washer nor dryer. I can't text Sasuke-Senpai because one I don't have his number and two he would probably get upset.

"UGHHH." I flop on the couch in defeat. I'll take A shower instead then. I get in the shower and I realize it's only men stuff in the shower. Yay now I get to smell like a man. I can't stop thinking about what's been happening recently. It's was nice of him to let me stay here. I sit down in the shower with my legs held to my chest. He seems like a meany but I don't think he is, he has a soft side and I'm going to find it.

I finish up in the shower and find a towel in a cabinet. I wrap myself with it and then get another one for my hair. I was about to leave the bathroom when I saw something disturbing. Beside the toilet was a bunch of them nudity magazines and in the trash can was tissue. "EWWWW!" I run out the bathroom into his room. He's been living alone way to long. The only reason I know what that is is because Neji had a perverted side to him too.

I get the only set of clean clothes I had left and out them on. I get my makeup and head back to the bathroom. I made sure to stay away from that toilet and trash can. "That perv." I say out loud.

"What perv?" Did my head really just talk to me. I look around then I see Sasuke at the door of the bathroom.

"You got home quick." I say applying my mascara.

"It's been like three hours or so."

I look down at my phone and he was right. I also see a bunch of text messages that are unopened. I mumble to myself, "I didn't realize I was in the shower that long."

He must of heard me because, "who's the real perv then."

I look at him with my mouth wide open in shock of how he could say that. "ME! Noooooo." I hold the o for effect, "your the perv with your nudity magazine and nasty tissue in the trash can." I look at him in disgust and I was ready for him to be he On my way! Blushing and all embarrassed.

"How do you know that's mine?" Is he really doing this right now?

"Fine then who's a-are they?"

"Mine." I fall to the floor dramatically.

"I was in that exact spot when doing it too." He laughed.

"EWWW!" I jump up and get away from that spot. "See I knew my boss was a perv."

He walks up to me and grabs my chin pulling me closer. "Yeah I like when you call me boss." He said in a soft sexy tone.

A blush soon appeared on my face and I couldn't talk without stuttering at this point, "w-what are y-you d-doi-"

He cut me off by saying, "whatever I want." He starts to lean in and I was frozen I didn't know what to do. Right before he touches his lips with mine he stops. "I didn't think you would give in that easily, wow your really gullible." I open my eyes to see his back leaving.

Ugh what did I get myself into.

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