Naruto's Love Life

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It was a week ago I brought Yuki home and called out Mizuki. I've been checking up on Yuki by going over to her house every couple of days or so. I went over there yesterday and it seems to be a lot better than before, I'm glad.

Everyone around the editing apartment has been noticing me and Hinata's closeness. Me and her usually go to my special room a lot on lunch breaks or whenever really. We can't tell no one because it not against the rules to date fellow co-workers but it is frowned upon. So we thought it was best to keep it a secret.

Right now I'm stuck with mountains of paperwork. Apparently one of the newbies in our department cut out a whole scene and now there's no way of getting it back. I'll have to talk with the higher ups on whether he should get fired or be on probation. If he's gonna cause such a major problem his first month working here he shouldn't of started working here in the first place!

As I was filling out reports on the issue I hear Hinata's voice say, "s-Sasuke?" I look up and smile.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"I'm going to go out for lunch with Naruto." Then the words of Naruto at the bar rang through my head.

"You might not know her but her name is Hinata." That's my Hinata he's trying to get his grubby paws on.

"No." I said looking back down at my work with my smile completely gone by now.

"It wasn't a question. See ya later." I look up quickly and she was already gone, damnit.

I quickly take out my phone and text Naruto.

Me: Better not do anything to MY girlfriend

Naruto's POV

I hear my phone buzz and I see a text from Sasuke.

Teme: Better not do anything to MY girlfriend

So he's dating Hinata now? What a let down, she was kinda hot. Oh well I wasn't even that serious about her.

I wait on the first floor in the main hallway for Hinata. I asked her to lunch with me because I need some love advice. I'm really confused on girls right now. Hinata seemed cool when we hung out but she refused to do anything with me.


I took Hinata back to my place after we stopped by the office for her to pick up her stuff.  She had a little lovers quarrel with Sasuke which kinda annoyed me.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" I asked her looking through my movies.

"Doesn't matter." She sits down on the couch and takes out her phone. Then a idea popped up in my head.

"Hey, Hinata?" I turned around and slowly started walking towards her.

"Y-yeah?" She asked a bit nervous of what I was doing.

I take her phone and she panics, "let's take some photos together." I said giving my world famous playboy smile.

"For what?" I could tell she was still a bit nervous of me.

"You like Sasuke, am I wrong?" Her face quickly gets red. Of course this is perfect.

I never saw Sasuke get so possessive over anything in his life. So if she didn't like him that would be a huge let down. I want Sasuke to be happy, honestly.

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