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I woke up after my nap. I even had a dream that Hinata and I was dating. In my dream we went on a date to her favorite book store and she ate cinnamon buns. She was so happy she kissed me. It was a truly amazing feeling.

I quickly slap myself! I shouldn't be thinking like that. It's not like she even gave me a real confession. What she said was pretty powerful though. I get up and head to the living room. I didn't see her in there thankfully. I walk into the kitchen and drink some milk out the jug.

"NO DRINKING OUT THE THING!" I heard her voice and then I feel her hit me on my head. I hold my head in pain.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" I yelled back at her.

"How many times have I told you?" She held a spatula in her hand, that was probably what she hit me with that.... I shouldn't say even if it's just in my thought.

"I dunno ." Not a good answer because she jumps up and hits me again with it. "AH damnit women."

"Foods almost done." I go to the stove and look at he time, it was two in the afternoon. "You slept for a long time, I was tempted to wake you but you were smiling and looked so happy." She blushed while still fixing the food but I clearly noticed.

"Is that right." I say.

All she did was nod her head yes and try to cover her blush. I go to the kitchen table and wait for the food. 

She come in a few minutes later and sets it in front of me. We said a prayer and started to eat. "S-Senpai?" I looked up at her, "about earlier..." I started to laugh from remembering.

"What about it?" I ask her.

"W-would it be that bad if I did help you mend you heart with my love?" I was completely shocked I dropped my utensil and looked at her.  She was blushing that cute blush of hers.

"Are you serious?" That's the only thing I managed to say.

"Oh uh no no no I was I was just kidding is all." She waved her hands no and was nervously laughing. She then stood up holding her plate. "Well I think I'm done, I'll just head to my room now." She smiled at me and went to the kitchen.

I followed her quietly and she didn't hear me until I was coming from behind her. I heard her mumbling to herself, "ah why did I say that."

I went behind her and hugged her tightly. I buried my head in her neck. I lightly said, "you can try." I heard her gasped.

We was like that for awhile and it wasn't that bad being like that actually. I felt safe and warm. After beautiful silence she spoke up and said, "you should finish eating." I was upset she said that but I let her go and went back to the table. She's the one who said that to me in the first place.

I finished my food quickly and went back to my room. I laid on my bed until I hear my phone buzz twice. I had two messages, one from a unknown number and the other from Yuki.

I opened the one from Yuki first, it read.

Yuki: HEY! I heard from uncle Naruto you were off work. If your free may I come over today?

I was happy but didn't know if it was a good idea. I read the other message from unknown, it said.

Unknown: hey it's Hinata....can we do something?

I quickly put her contact in and replied back.

Me: ...like what?

I laugh to myself knowing she didn't mean what most people would think.

Hinata: NOT THAT! I meant like watch a movie or something, maybe just talk?

What should I say? I want Yuki to come over but if she does would Hinata not want to try with me anymore or whatever me and her relationship is?

After thinking awhile I decided I should do the right thing. I texted Yuki.

Me: Yeah, I'll pick you up soon. I have someone I want you to meet.

I then texted Hinata.

Me: someone is coming over that I want you to meet. I'm going to pick them up now, be back soon.

I quickly left the apartment and got in my car. I've been kinda busy at work so I'm happy I can see Yuki today. I smiled to myself.

I stop at a store and pick up Some desert for us three. I then left again. I was almost at the house I try to avoid as much as possible for reasons that are to hard to deal with. I drive into the driveway and go to the front door and ring the bell. I then see the women I would much rather avoid open the door.

All I could do was smile to her.

Authors note

Who do you think Yuki is?! The world may never know...until the next chapter maybe! Okay well thanks for my loyal readers, voters, and commenters. I haven't updated in a while and I was really mentally blocked on this chapter so it's kinda short. But thanks again and see you later ✌️😊

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