Brotherly love

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Hinata's POV

The weekend was a little fun. Sasuke teased me a lot but we watched some movies and I cried my eyes out on one and he just laughed. The weird thing I can't wrap my head around is his date. Why did he have a date? I don't know why I care but for some reason I do. Ugh it's been killing me. On top of that I feel awful for sleeping in his bed and him on the couch. Tonight I'll refuse to sleep there then!

I was just sitting at my desk with nothing to do. I guess I'll go take a break and get some fresh air. I get to the elevator and it opens. I was surprised on who it was, "Naruto-Kun? Hey!" Naruto is kinda cute.

"Hey Hinata, is Sasuke busy?" I get on the elevator with him.

"Yeah he's been working hard." He presses the button that takes us to the first floor.

"Since he's busy do you wanna come with me for lunch?" I can't believe he asked me out! Or well it's just a friendly lunch.

"Yeah I would love to! But wait I didn't tell Sasuke-Senpai I was going out and I don't have his number."

"It's fine I'll text him." He pulls out his phone and I assume he texted Sasuke-Senpai. "Where do you want to go?"

Sasuke's POV

I hear my phone buzz but I don't have time to look at it I'm busy. After what felt like hours I see my pet laughing with the Dobe. I finally finished most of my work and she's having a good time with him?

I get up and stuff my phone in my pocket. "What the hell are you two doing? Don't you have work." I tried to control my anger.

"I texted you saying I was going on a date with Hinata." I looked at her and she's looking at Naruto blushing. Why is she blushing?

I pull out my phone and open it. I did get a message.

Dobe: Taking your hot assistant out on a date, catch ya later😏

He just called her hot. He took her on a date. And above all he did that emoji. "How about you get back to your job?" I say meanly to him.

"I finished everything today. Hinata-chan," Did he just add a chan? "Wanna come over to my place and watch a movie?" I saw her eyes light up but I have to stop this now.

I quickly wrap my arms around her waist from behind, "she has plans."

Naruto had mixed emotions that I couldn't read, he was mad and shocked I guess. "N-no." I looked down and realized it was her speaking. She gets out my grip while saying, "w-what are you doing!?" I didn't stop her from leaving my grip but I was utterly shocked. "N-no I-I don't have plans." He smiles.

"I have work to do." I go back to my desk and start my work. I look up and they was gone. "Bastard." He was suppose to be my friend and now he's trying to hook up with my assistant? Whatever I don't even care.

I finish my work and go to my room. I see they filled my drinks and snacks back up. Good. I need to get focused on how to get her fired. I stay in there about a hour, at first I went in there to just make plans like a little kid but I ended up on the bed going through all the social media apps and seeing what's up. I haven't been able to in awhile since I've been busy so it's nice to.

I hear a knock and go to the door. Everyone knows not to disturb me. I open the door and remember he doesn't know boundaries. "What do you want?" I groan.

"Don't talk to your brother like that." I roll my eyes and he pushes himself in.

"You can't come in here." I whine.

"Your still a kid in a bigger body." I sarcastically smile and I close the door. "Do you remember that secret base you had in that tree when we was younger?"

"I remember you destroyed it."

"Now that was a fun time." He laughed and turned around to look at me.

"What do you want Itachi?"

"Oh nothing. I hear around that you got a new assistant, is that right?"

"Yeah what about it?" He walks closer to me.

His body is merely centimeters away and I can feel his body warmth. "Don't forget your mine." He says in a low raspy voice. I quickly back away falling on the floor.

"Like hell you are." He pins me down on the floor. I couldn't move. It's just like when we was younger, that pervert.

"Don't say something like that, you'll hurt my feelings." He licks my ear sending shivers down my back.

"Stop Itachi." I try to protest but nothing would get through. He over powered me in strength so their wasn't much I could do. He kisses me but I don't kiss back. I could throw up right about now. "W-what would mom and dad say if they saw you doing this?" He stopped and looked at me.

"Mom loved me but not in a motherly way." He smiled creepily, "it's not my fault that I love you but just not in a brotherly way." He hugs me but still pins me down on the floor. "I just want to look out for you is all. I'm protecting you from the harsh world. I just want to hide you away and keep you for myself." He kisses me again but I didn't kiss back but it wasn't like before. It was with passion and I couldn't help but not be mad but I'm a guy.

"I'm not gay. Nor do I return them feelings." His grip loosens and I slide my way out.

"That's okay." I gave a confused face. "Doesn't mean I still can't hide you away and keep you for myself."

"You crazy bastard." I get up and leave the room. I go to my desk and grab my brief case. I'm out of here.

I get in my car and quickly get to my apartment. I open the door and remembered my pet princess didn't have a key. There was no way she could get in here.

I go in and set my stuff down. Is she still at Naruto's? Does she not want to come back after what happened? I'll text Naruto.

Me: My assistant still with you?

I waited a few minutes and still nothing. I made me some tea and then I feel my phone buzz.

Dobe: Yeah! She's asleep right now. I'll just bring her to work tomorrow.

I slam my phone down on the counter. I'm going to bed.

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