~3~ Leaving On A Jet Plane

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(Sky's POV)

As we walk into the building, Jessica pats my back, then gets lost into the large hallways, leaving me in the front entrance.

I sigh, then smile at the bright idea to head down to the music room until classes start.

I walk into the large classroom, then stop in place at the sight. I hide behind the door, and watch.

"This is too freaking hard." The curly haired boy groans. He's got a smooth acoustic guitar in his hands, as Miss. Stem points to his fingers.

"It won't be if you try, Harry. Just curve your fingers a bit more." She says, and he groans.

"No. I give up." He slams the string instrument into its case, then puts it up.

"Would you like to look at some other songs to learn instead. The one you chose is quite hard." She says.

"No. It has to be that song." He says, and she sighs and walks into her small office.

I take that as my chance to fully enter the room. Harry looks up at me, then smiles, "Hey, babe."

"Hey." I say, not wanting looking up at him as I walk over to the piano.

"What are you doing?" He asks, as he stands next to me.

I'm sat on the small bench, as I trace the keys of the organ.

"I'm about to practice." I say, as I think of a piece to play.

"You can't actually play that, can you? I mean it's not that easy." He crosses his arms.

I smirk at him, right before starting Fur Else. My fingers easily slides over the keys, and pushes down on each note perfectly. The sound of this organ amazes me, it must be worth thousands!

As I finish the end, I look up to Harry, "Anything is easy if you have a mind set for it to be."

His eyes are wide, as he whispers, "Wow."

"That was amazing, Sky! How long have you been playing?" Miss. Stem says, as she walks out of her office.

"Since I was three. So, thirteen years," I say, then get up and walk over to the guitars, "Can I play one?"

"Sure. Acoustic?" Miss. Stem asks.

"Yeah. If that's fine?" I say.

"Here, you can play mine. It's never gotten a chance to be played correctly anyways." He says, and hands me the guitar after pulling it out of the case.

I play a few chords, then practice fingering for a bit.

"Can you-uhh- play this song?" Harry says, and places a sheet of music on a stand in front of me.

"Is that Leaving On A Jet Plane? I love that song!" I say, and his smile is probably the brightest I've ever seen.

"Would you play it. Please? And sing too?" He almost begs.

I nod, "Alright."

I start playing the very familiar chords, just as the lyrics start flowing from my mouth,

"All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go.

I'm standin' here outside your door.

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye,

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn

The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn

Already I'm so lonesome I could die

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