The Second, Mind

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Ashton read the pages slowly, in disbelief. "The second is intelligent. More than meets the eyes. She wields a power unseen, however it has always been present. The second is the most strongest mentally, and wields the most dangerous power of the Trio. However, in physical strength, she proves to be lesser of the other two. She has the ability to control others thoughts, to break into their system of thinking, and can alter it..she can also bend the wills of...." Ashton looked up.

"If I'm reading this correctly, I can ... control others minds..." her mouth hung open.

"Try it on Nash!" Jennette squealed , eager to witness another power. She clapped her hands.

"I don't know how...." Ashton furrowed her eye brows. She shook her head.

"Listen, don't try it on me! I could get hurt!" Nash complained.

"Coward," Jennette said, her lip pouted.

"No, did you not hear her? She is the most powerful out of us mentally. She could possibly hurt me." Nash glared at Jennette.

Jennette looked at Ashton. "Me then." Ashton and Nash looked at Jennette.

"No, wait, listen, don't do it Ash. You could hurt her, just try on me."

"Nope. I call dibs. It's me, Ashton. "

After a few more words of contesting and arguing, Nash gave in and Jennette was going to be , in her words, the "test subject."

"Okay, Ash. Look me in the eyes. Lets focus on the basics. Try and read my mind." Jennette smiled.

Ashton's ice blue eyes stared deeply into Jennette's soft green eyes. Ashton had a focused look on her face, whilst Jennette had a small smile planted on her face. Nash watched with interest.

"Fire. You're thinking of fire. You are also hungry." Jennette squealed. "Yes, yes, and yes!" She was ecstatic. Nash shook his head.

"Now for the difficult part. Lets see if she can force one another's will." Nash shook his head.

Ashton looked back into Jennette's eyes, Jennette no longer smiling. She was , to be honest, a little scared. Ashton's eyebrows pushed together, and Jennette's breathing picked up. Suddenly, she began to sway back and forth. Jennette's eyes began to roll back, and she fell over to the ground. Nash shoved himself into Ashton, knocking her over and cutting off the connection between the two. Ashton sat up and rubbed her head, looking around. "Nash? What the hell happened?" Worry laced her voice.

"I think Jennette is dead!" Nash looked over at an unconscious Jennette, whose breathing was slow. Nash and Ashton violently shook Jennette, shouting her name, and her eyes fluttered open, and she sat up, rubbing her eyes with her fists.

"Ashton, I want to live, you know. " She shook her head. "I saw your eyes. I saw you looking at me. My head suddenly felt, I dunno, tight. Intense pounding in my head, and it felt like I had been hit with a brick. Then, a bright light appeared, then like, intense darkness. I heard everything around me, just couldn't do anything. It was scary."

Ashton threw her arms around Jennette's neck and squeezed, and Jennette replied with a hug back. Then she pulled away and looked at Nash.

''There is only one person left, Nash. Take a wild guess," Ashton said, looking at Nash. He shook his head.

"Let's read."

The trio loomed over the tome.

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