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"What the fuck, Jennette? Why are you steaming?" Ashton asked, examining Jennette's skin. It was a lightly colored shade of pink, like a mild sunburn. Jennette blinked like crazy.

"I don't know, but guys, it's snowing." she shivered.

"It's not even that cold, Jen." Nash said.

"It burns." Jennette seethed. " The snow is burning my skin."

"Wait, Jennette," Ashton slowly held her hand out and grazed her fingers along Jennette's arm. When her fingers made contact, a ssss sound was created.

"Fuck, you burned me!" Ashton looked at her fingers, which were now turning red.

Jennette threw her hands up in defense. " Not on purpose, I swear!"

"She's been melting everything in her path. I ripped a whole in the hockey net. And I assume your day hasn't been the greatest either?" Nash stated

"No. I hurt Alison today. She pissed me off, and it just kinda.... happened." Ashton said.

"Same with us. It has been uncontrollable." Nash said.

The trio looked at each other , unsure of the next course of action. Jennette suggested they call home sick, but Ashton pointed out that the teachers would get suspicious of why they all wanted to leave.

"Well, we're fucked." Ashton said.

Nash looked around at his surroundings as if that would help, and Jennette sat down against the building, huddling herself together to prevent her skin with coming in contact with the snow. Ashton closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Let's skip." she said. Nash and Jennette looked at her. "We're already outside, lets just run home." The trio was silent, until Jennette spoke.

"It's not like we have much options. Let's do it." she took her jacket from her waist and put it on, throwing her hood up. Nash zipped his coat up , and Ashton threw a scarf around herself, covering the majority of her face.

"Let's go," Ashton said.

Jennette led the group, because she knew the quickest way to Ashton's house. The trio kept their heads down, and walked down the sidewalk swiftly. The wind blew harshly, and a snow flurry began to accumulate. Jennette shivered. "Almost there," Nash encouraged.

After walking for a good twenty minutes, they reached Ashton's house. "I have a spare, " Ashton said, pulling a key out of her pants pocket. She opened the door and the teenagers entered the warmth .

"Basement, let's go. I'd rather not have something burned or obliterated." She led the way, and Jennette and Nash followed. After they grouped in the basement, Ashton began listing the pros and cons of their current situation.

"My parents will be home an hour before school ends. That gives us..." she thought for a short moment. "About six hours to decide our next move. Now, as we were walking, I questioned the cause of our sudden outburst of our powers. Nash, you must've been feeling some sort of aggression mixed in with competition during hockey. Result- uncontrollable outburst of your power. Jen, you were angry at Nash for ripping the net and not hiding his power, no? Your anger seeped through into your hands, melting your stick. And same with me, I didn't intentionally hurt Alison, it just happened , although I'm not complaining." Ashton bit her lip. " I believe that our powers are connected to our emotions. And, I also think that our powers have, for lack of better words, a "cool down time." Your burning has reduced, and the intense power I feel when I bend someone else's will has gone away. Same for Nash I assume."

Nash spoke. " That's all great, but we to decide what we do. If this is really connected to our emotions, we can't hide this forever."

"Where's the tome?" Jennette asked.

Ashton thought. "That's a great idea. But where did we hide it?"

After several long moments of silence, Jennette cursed. " Fuck, fuck, fuck, we did we hide it?" she bit her nails out of nervousness.

"Urrgghhh..."Ashton shook her head. " I think it's somewhere here. let me check the bookshelves..." her eyes scanned the multiples of books on the wooden shelves, mumbling under her breath. "It's on the end," she said, going and and grabbing it. It was separated from the rest, however they kids decided if they put it away, their powers would secede. Unfortunately not.

"Here Jen." she handed her the book. Jennette flipped through the pages frantically. Ashton and Nash took a seat.

Jennette read from the book. "Will be associated by this male by their full names. Jennette Finne, Nathaniel Hustler, and Ashton Merriam. He will present to them an offer that...... " Jennette's eyes scanned the pages. She slammed the book shut.

"Damn, pages ruined. " her eyebrow furrowed. "Apparently, our next action is to be approached by some one who will address us by our full names. He comes with an offer."

"Sounds dangerous." Nash stated the obvious.

"No duh," Ashton snapped.

"I'm not looking forward to this. " Jennette said.

Silence filled the air. Ashton rubbed her temples, and Nash scrolled blankly through his phone. Jennette paced the room.

"Well," she said. "we're screwed."

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