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The group gasped. "No way," Jennette said in denial. " No way do we die," she snatched the book and began skimming the pages, worry becoming her. Ashton and Nash looked at each other. Reese ran his hand through his hair.

"Our death sounds painful..." Jennette trailed off. The rest of the group took turns passing the book around, each reading their death. Ashton shook her head, and Jennette began to worry.

"Connor is in this book," Nash pointed out. Ashton and Jennette loomed over the book, reading the part where Connor was introduced. Nash shook his head.

"Can we really prevent something that already happened?" Nash asked, and Ashton shrugged her shoulders.

"Probably through pure dumb luck. Which we're running short of..." she said.

The four teens remained hidden in the abandon warehouse for quite some time, rounding for a good two months. They had established territory in the corner they went to when they first arrived , and basically knew everybody that went through the doors.

Month two, Day 8

"Guys I can't stand this anymore." Jennette said, sighing loudly.

"What's wrong?" Reese asked.

"I don't like it here, the stench makes me want to vomit and these people..." she shuddered." Make me not have faith in the human race anymore."

"I dunno.... the woman over there, Tracy, is actually quite nice once you get to know her...." Ashton said. Jennette rolled her eyes.

"I'm just saying , I can't take this very much longer." Jennette said.

After their daily routine which consists of salvaging food, re-reading the book, and just having slow conversations, the sun set and the teens were about to start their night watch.

"I'll stay on guard," Nash said, taking first watch.

It was unusually quiet tonight, not even gunfire nor wildlife could be heard. Nash paced around the area, looking at everything near his surroundings. He suddenly had a terrible gut feeling, and decided to wake up the group. He woke them up, and they looked at him with irritated looks on their faces.

"What is it Nash?" Reese said , rubbing his eyes.

"I----" a loud explosion was heard directly outside, and the rest of the group awoke with a start. Ashton went into defense mode.

"Pack our stuff, whatever that was, they're here for us or our neighbors. I don't want to find out." she stated, and gunfire was heard. Jennette and Nash began packing their belongings, while Ashton and Reese examined their surroundings. Jennette stood up.

"Done!" another explosion. The group stood closely together. The people inside the warehouse began firing back, offended and pissed that helicopters were destroying what a lot of people called their homes. Ashton looked at the group.

"There's a back exit. Let's go!" she shouted over the commotion. The group followed her out of the room, and they found themselves in a darkly lit alleyway. Jennette motioned her way.

"Here. We can squeeze through here. " she said, wedging herself between two buildings. The rest followed, Nash being last. After sneaking behind about seven buildings, a light from above shined down on the group. Jennette yelled.

"Dammit!" the helicopter followed their every move. Reese looked at Ashton.

"Come here!" she dashed to him, and he grabbed her arm, clenching his other fist and causing the group to levitate. Reese brought them over to a twenty story building, dropping them on top.

"Fight them!" he yelled loudly, as lights shone and gunfire reigned. Nash and Ashton looked at each other.

"Let's throw Jennette ," they said in unison. Jennette turned and looked at them.

"No way, I'll die!" she screeched. Reese looked at the group.

"Nash throws, Jennette ignites, Ashton puts power into it, and I'll lift you back." Jennette still looked unsure.

"Do you trust us?" he asked, voice a bit lower. Jennette hesitantly nodded. She turned around and faced the firing helicopters, giving the thumbs up to the group. Nash grabbed her and threw her , and she screamed mid air. She ignited, and Ashton focused all her mental strength into her soaring in the air. Jennette flew fast, into a firing helicopter. It exploded in the air with a screech, and Jennette flew down through the air limply, the helicopter colliding with a few vans on the street, causing a massive amount of smoke and fire. Reese cursed.

"Fuck!" Ashton looked at him, holding a force field to stop the oncoming bullets.

"What?" she yelled. He kept his eyes wide open towards the smoke.

"I can't see Jennette!!" he yelled, and Ashton let her guard down.

"What the hell??" she yelled. A bullet flew past, piercing Nash in the shoulder. Ashton , catching back on guard, threw an invisible wall back to defend the now trio. Nash morphed his skin into pure stone, avoiding the pain of the bullet hole for a while.

"I swear on my life if you don't find Jennette-" Ashton began.

"Keep fucking nagging and I can't!" He retaliated, and he raised his arms into the air, clenching his fists once more. In mid air hung a lifeless Jennette, arms and legs hanging. Reese drew her closer and grabbed her in his arms, hugging her.

"Are you okay?" he asked frantically. She nodded weakly.

"I'm fine for now," she coughed, and she stood free from his grasp. She threw her hands up, firing shots of flames at the oncoming onslaught of vehicles and machinery. Reese did the same, the two causing a rain of fire, Ashton staying on defense, and Nash throwing random debris. Soon the teens began to wear out, their injuries taking a toll on them. However, the U.A.S, which was who was attacking them, kept a steady pace up. Soon, the group couldn't fight anymore, and they proceeded to huddle together behind a rooftop entrance door, clinging to life. Jennette hugged the group.

" I love you guy-" but she never finished her sentence. An explosion and firing sound shot through the air, as a missile collided right with the building they were on.

Now, there was nothing but darkness, coldness, and silence.

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