War and Death, Pt. 1

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*time skip because I'm lazy*
Snow fell heavily from the grey sky, and all around the children was a heavy forest. The teens stayed close together for warmth. Reese shivered.

"I'm cold," he said, lip quivering.

"Don't worry, once we start fighting, we should warm up." Ashton told him. The crew continued walking forward, through the blistering cold. The snow continued falling heavier and heavier, building up around the calves of the teens. The sky proceeded to get darker, and the trees seemed to close in on the kids. After a few hours of walking, a grey gloomy building appeared in the distance. Jennette perked up.

"Is that it??" she said with excitement in her voice. Ashton nodded slowly.

"I believe so." she stood up on her tiptoes to get a better view. "Yeah! I see the U.A.S letters on the side."

Excited to fight Jeb and his minions, the group ran up (as fast as they could in two feet of snow), and faced the building. Jennette clapped her gloved hands.

"We're here, we're here! We can finally get rid off him!" she squealed, and hugged Brynne excitedly. Brynne smiled.

"Let's not forget what to do, does everyone remember what they are supposed to do?" Nash asked, and everybody nodded.

Ashton took over. "Okay! Then let's-" a huge explosion crashed beside the teens, and nearby trees caught on fire. The force from the explosion blew the kids back.

"No time! Let's go!!" Keiren shouted.

As if it was rehearsed, everybody moved into place. Brynne acted first, climbing onto Nash's shoulders and stabilizing herself. Jennette, Keiren, and Kaiser ran towards the front of the huddle, ready to attack, with fists up. Ashton stood behind Nash, preparing herself to build a forcefield. Reese, being defense and attack, stayed near Ashton for orders. A loud voice very much familiar to the ears of the teens echoed in the forest.

"We meet once again." the voice said.

"Jeb!" Keiren yelled. The voice laughed.

"You are all going to burn in Hell!!" he cackled, and the intercom clicked off. Another explosion soon followed the click, this time to the right of the teens. Ashton threw a forcefield up in time to stop the teens from falling down by the force. Jennette was the first to strike, throwing a large ball of flames at the building. It hit the building, but it remained unfazed. Kaiser began throwing trees, and Keiren remained idle for a moment.

''Keiren! Do something!'' Brynne shouted. Keiren looked back.

"I only have a power that affects humans! I can't do anything now!" he shouted back.

Reese, realizing attack was low, ran towards the front and began hurling flames as well. Ashton held up a forcefield, and Nash punched oncoming debris that flew towards the teens. Brynne kept the group alert.

"Left side! Above! Shit!" she screamed, and Ashton looked up at her.

"What's wrong?" sh shouted. Nash began wobbling, and Brynne was receiving most of the movement.

"They re coming from underground!" she yelled. And she was right.

As if they stepped on a land mine, the kids flew into all different directions. Brynne stood up.

"We need to go closer to the building! The won't heavily attack like that if its going to risk their building!" Nash stood up, and threw Brynne back up on his shoulders. Ashton threw up another forcefield, and Jennette warmed the area inside, making the snow melt and the teens being able to work faster. She, along with Reese, threw flames at the building as they got closer, as Kaiser threw trees. Brynne shouted.

"Guards are coming out! Be ready!"

Groups of guards, five or ten in each, came out , guns firing. The forcefield stopped most of them, however, they proceeded to come out. The teenagers moved closer to the building in huddle, and Nash let Brynne off of his shoulders, as he began throwing trees as well. Keiren began taking the guards out , one by one. Brynne stayed behind Nash. Jeb's voice came out over the intercom.

"Your puny little force is no match for ours!!" he then cackled and the intercom clicked off.

Out of the blue, Jennette and Keiren ran towards the building, undefended and not attacking. Ashton screamed at them.

"What the hell?! Where are you guys going??" she shouted. Jennette spun around and looked at Ashton with fire in her eyes.

"We're gonna go kill Jeb!!" she shouted. She turned back around and ran inside the open doors of the building. Kaiser looked at the rest of the group. He pointed towards the building.

"I think he wants us to go inside!" Reese shouted. "I want to go too, Ashton! Jen is in there!" Reese looked at her.

"Fine! Go on three! One-" and the kids began running. The remaining five dashed into the building, knocking down and killing the guards that stood in the way. Brynne looked around at the multiple corridors and doors.

"Where do we go first?" she asked. Nash looked at Ashton.

"Let's split up!" he said. Ashton looked at the rest of the group.

"Brynne can come with me, the boys, go!" the group dispersed.

Ashton and Brynne ran down the hallway furthest to the left, kicking down the doors and killing the scientists and guards that were inside. Ashton mainly did the killing, Brynne stayed back behind her, destroying the cameras and lab equipment that resided in each room.

"Ash, I feel like I'm not contributing," she told her after clearing another room.

"Just keep doing what your doing, it all helps in the end," she assured her.

The girls continued down the hall.

Nash smashed everything and everyone that he came across,destroying walls and groups of guards. As he went down, the walls around him began crumbling from his destruction. He ran back down the other way of the hall, as the ceiling began caving in.

Reese focused on destroying the cameras and killing the guards that roamed the halls. He burned the lab equipment as well, and made his way towards the center of the building. He ran into Nash as the ceiling behind him crumbled.

"Hey," Nash said, out of breath and pink in the face.

"Hi," Reese smiled. The two ran down the next hallway.

Kaiser went directly for Jeb's office, after running through every hallway by the time the teens went through one, he found Jeb's office, the door kicked in just enough for the smallest of the teens, Jennette and Keiren, to slip through. Kaiser attracted the lock , breaking it, and the door swinging open. Kaiser, running at a normal human pace, ran into the room.

And his jaw dropped.

As soon as Kaiser ran in, he noticed Jeb pointing a gun at the teens. He fired.

Keiren shoved Jennette to the ground.

The bullet pierced his chest.

His body fell lifelessly to the ground.

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