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Jennette dashed down the cobblestone street , pink in the face and breathing ragged, her hair streaming behind her. She had been full to the brim with excitement since the moment her eyes fluttered open. She dashed out of her house so fast, she forgot to realize the fact that the sun wasn't even up yet. As she leapt up the stairs to her best friend , Ashton's , house , she pounded on the door with all of her might. She loudly called her name.

"Ashton! Wake up! Sleep is for the weak!" She called , hoping that she will hear her. She glanced through the windows, looking for her.

Ashton and Jennette were basically opposite in every way. Ashton has long, silky brown hair with piercing ice blue eyes, along with violet glasses. She has skin as pale as the moon, and is tall. She is usually described as intelligent and a thoughtful person. Jennette , on the other hand, was very short, and she had tanned skin. Her eyes are a soft green, and she has short, messy, pink hair. She is known for being annoying, but determined.

Ashton opened the door a few minutes later, brown hair tangled and in a messy ponytail. She had on shorts and a black T-shirt, and her eyes were red from lack of sleep. She grinned sarcastically at Jennette, rubbing at her eyes.

"I hope you realize that I was sleeping . " Ashton said, her grin fading to a plain face. "As were my parents."

Jennette grinned at Ashton, ignoring her sarcasm and nodded her head. " Was is the correct word! Now you guys are awake, and now we can plan our whole day ahead! " Jennette threw her hands into the air . Ashton smiled at her eagerness, although a bit annoyed that it spawned so early in the morning.

"That's sounds lovely, Jen. But, you do realize that the sun isn't even out, yet?"

Jennette spun around and looked at the darkened sky , still twinkling with stars. She turned back around and stepped closer to Ashton.

"All the more time for us to get our day planned and ready!" Jennette let herself inside Ashton's house, and made a beeline for the fridge. She swung the door open and browsed what was inside. Ashton gently closed the front door and sighed. It was going to be a long day.


Jennette pulled out the majority of the food from the fridge, piling it all on the marble counter. She mumbled to herself, counting on her fingers and taking a mental note every now and then. Ashton took a bagel from the counter and began nibbling on it, watching Jennette with content. She decided to stop her when she heard Jennette mumble the words ooh wine, remember to grab.

"Jen. The counselors are bringing food , you know. Age appropriate food." Jennette spun on her heel to face her.

" Ugh, I don't see why we can't bring wine. It's not gonna hurt anyone. As long as its shared wisely." Jennette's hand shot to the top of the fridge, where the wine resided, and grabbed blood red wine with a golden label. It read , Vampires Paradise Wine. Enjoy wisely. She swirled it around. "Please?" She pleaded with Ashton. She shook her head.

"How about we go pick our clothes? I remember looking at a sweater you might like...." Aston tried to pull Jennette's attention away from the wine. Her eagerness, along with her short attention span, made her dash up the stairs to Ashton's room, where she proceeded to make noise. Ashton , after putting the food back, went up after her.

* * * *

After the sun had come up, Jennette and Ashton had eaten breakfast and had their bags packed, strung across their backs. Ashton said farewell to her parents, and went outside, to join Jennette, who was awaiting their ride. Jennette held her phone out and waved it in front of Ashton's face, telling her to look at the messages.

"I texted Nash," (which was their ride), " Like ten times and he still hasn't answered!"

"Maybe because he's driving?" Ashton said , smiling at Jennette. "Keep texting him, though. I want to see if he responds. "

Then, Nash pulled up in the driveway in a silver Cadillac, leaving the keys in the ignition and stepping out of the car . He smiled at Jennette and Ashton.

"With the way you were texting me, my assumption would've been that you were having a heart attack." He motioned towards the car. "It's a rental, but its better than having to ride the bus. "

Nash had been Ashton's friend for a very long time, however, he had only been friends with Jennette for about two years. He was the tallest of he three, and was only a shade darker than Ashton. He had short , caramel colored hair and had the same blue eyes that Ashton had. He wore glasses, as well.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? Let's go! " Jennette threw her bags in the backseat and jumped into the passenger seat of the car . Ashton shoved Nash, raced him to the car and beat him, jumping into the drivers seat and high-fiving Jennette . She rolled down the window for Nash to hear her.

"Looks like your riding in the back!" After these words, the girls giggled. Nash got into the back seat and they drove off.

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