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After several months of worrying, the trio had began to care less and less. As long as they kept their emotions in check, nothing unfortunate had happened. Eventually, they forgot what had happened and went about their normal lives (in which normal stands for using their powers when no one else was watching.) Nobody but them know about their powers , other than the few crazed and dazed people who believed everybody had a hidden power somewhere. The trio met for breakfast one morning, sitting down and talking about their normal lives.

"The food smells funny," Jennette pointed out. "Kinda like Nash." she smiled while he frowned. Ashton laughed and begun digging in her purse for her phone. After a few minutes of sifting through the contents, she pulled out a small piece of folded paper. It had a 'C' written on the top with black pen. Ashton held it up for the group to see, the group eyeing it.

"Open it," Nash said. "I want to know what's inside."

"It's a secret admirer, watch. Someone is in love with Ash," Jennette said, teasing.

Ashton rolled her eyes and unfolded the letter, curious as to see the contents inside. After opening it, all that read inside was 'After school, behind the building. We need to talk.' The group opened their eyes widely.

"Sounds shady,'' Nash pointed out.

"Sounds like a drug deal. Ashton , what have you been up to?" Jennette accused. Ashton scoffed.

"Nothing like that. But I should probably go back there. " Ashton let her curiosity get the better of her.

"We need to come." Nash and Jennette said in unison. Ashton shook her head.

"No way, this person obviously just wants to see me. If we all go back there, he might not talk. Or she," Ashton said.

"Fine..." Jennette said, Pretending to be bummed out.


Of course, Jennette and Nash stuck around anyway. After last period, Ashton made her way to the back of the school, where the meeting was supposed to take place. Jennette followed behind from a pace. She hid behind some bushes, texting Nash.

Jennette- Go to Mr. Jackson's room, you should be able to get a great view of the meet from his windows.

Nash- Okay, will do.

Jennette sat behind the bushes and flowers while Nash watched from the windows. Ashton lulled around for a minute, spinning around to face every sound she heard around her. It was too quiet, and no children were around. The wind even blew quietly, giving Jennette and Ashton shivers. Then, a tall , dark clothed person stepped around the corner, greeting Ashton.

"Hey," he spoke.

Ashton looked at the person, examining his facial features. Ashton's eyebrows knitted together. "Connor? What the hell, you had me worried that someone actually had to meet me here. "

"Wait, I can explain, I-" Ashton, displaying her true hate for Connor, spun around, ignoring him. Forgetting his whole plan about casually asking, Connor spilled what he needed to say.

"I know about the tome." He said. Ashton stopped in her tracks, and Jennette's fingers flew over her keypad.

Nash- wht hppnd? Ash isnt mvng.

Jennette- come outside. we have a problem.

Jennette jumped from out of the bushes, a display of anger on her face.

"How in the world do you know about that??" she asked angrily. Ashton looked at her, pissed.

"Jennette , I told you to go home!" Ashton looked at her.

"Do you remember what It said? Someone will meet with us with an offer. Us," she emphasized.

"Still!" right then Nash came through the doors, pink in the face.

"What'd I miss?" he asked.

"Connor here knows our secret." Jennette said.

"What? How?" Nash questioned.

"I'm not stupid." he began. " Whenever Ashton pulled you away at the campsite, her face displayed worry. Of course I followed. And in gym, I saw the steam, I saw the melted hockey stick. Nash, I know that your not remotely strong enough to rip a whole through that net with your own strength. And people don't just pass out, Ashton," He said , hinting at the Alison incident. The trio came closer to Connor.

"I swear if you say something," Jennette said, getting closer to him. Ashton pulled her back.

"What she means is, we've been trying to keep this secret for a while. You must understand, " Ashton tried to calm everybody down . Connor shook his head.

"I understand. But I came with an offer, " after those words, Jennette screamed.

"Offer!! That book is driving me mad! " She held her head and screamed again.

"Jennette, please. Maybe it's coincidence," Nash said. Connor continued to speak.

"I have a letter for you guys." Connor said, reaching into his coat pocket and pulling out a snow white letter stamped with a blood red seal. He handed it to Ashton, who ripped the paper open. she read it aloud.

To Nathaniel Hustler, Ashton Merriam, And Jennette Finne,
This offer, as you all well may know, was going to come one day. Too bad it took so long. Anyway, we know who you are. We know where you live. And we obviously know of your powers. For we are the ones who created you. You are not human, however you are closer to the term 'mutant'. No offense meant to anyone who would've taken it as so. Nevertheless, back to my original statement. We , at the University of the Advancement of Science wish to have you here at our lab quarters. This is a great chance to expand upon your given powers. If you decline, that is your choice. However, there will be dire consequences if you shall choose that option. We wish to see you soon.

Our Lab Quarters- 1440 Cay Lane, Austin , Texas.

Contact the lab at - 1-800- 555- 7329.

We wish to see you soon,

Ashton looked at the trio while Connor had a look of excitement smeared across his face. "Isn't this a great learning opportunity for you guys?" his eyes glowed. "This could be a great further advancement, and.. And you could get more powers! How amazing is that ?" Connor laughed.

Ashton looked back at Jennette and Nash, who were shaking their heads. "No way, " she said. "We don't even want these powers. Why would we want more?"

"Science!" Connor said, his face darkening.

Ashton through the letter down to the ground, stepping on it. "We respectfully decline. " she sneered. She began walking away with Jennette and Nash following behind. Connor shook his head.

"Your going to regret that." he stated flatly.


*third person POV*

News Reporter- Three normal teens have disappeared quite literally off the face of the Earth. Jennette Finne, Nathaniel Hustler, and Ashton Merriam were reported not coming home after a normal school day today. They were last seen by students leaving the school, who stated that they saw them like they usually do after school, smiling and laughing. But who has the heart to kidnap three innocent teenagers? Find out more about the investigation here, on Channel 8 News.

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