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"So you mean to tell me, that you kids have superpowers, there was an evil scientist that tried to kill you, you instead killed him, died, came back to life, and now you are here?" a questioning sheriff asked. The six children nodded their heads in sync.

"Do you expect me to believe you?" he asked, giving each teen a glare. The nodded once more.

"Well, we can't just let you guys off the hook. You committed several crimes, grand theft auto, destroying of public property, murder...." his voice trailed off, and the teens looked at each other with regret.

"But in all fairness-" Ashton protested, but she was cut off short by the guard.

"Ah, quiet. Speak when I tell you to speak. Now, above all, you children committed crimes that shouldn't go unpunished. However, you guys are young. I don't want to see you guys behind bars. On the other hand, Doctor Jeb was a notorious criminal, his crimes well beyond exceeding yours. The government has been searching for him for years. You brought him down, and we can't thank you enough. So, instead of going to jail, I propose that you taking down Doctor Jeb will repent for your crimes. Is this okay with you ? All of you?" The teens glanced at each other again.

"We want funeral arrangements for our fallen friend," Jennette said, reading Kaiser's mind. He looked at her and grinned.

"We want to be allowed to publicly use our powers as long as we aren't endangering anyone or anything." Ashton spoke.

"We want the U.A.S corporations to be destroyed," Brynne stated.

"And the families that were torn apart from this whole ordeal. Pay them for the despair they went through." Nash said.

"Okay, okay. We'll see what we can do about your requests. Now, in the meantime, go outside. Meet your parents. I'm sure they missed you." the sheriff said.

"So... you're just letting us off the hook? No strings attached?" Jennette questioned.


"For real?" she cocked her head. The sheriff nodded.  Jennette jumped up.

"That's freaking awesome!" she shouted, running out of the interrogation cell, and taking a left down the corridor.

"Exit's on the right!" the sheriff chuckled.

A flash of the teen was seen going the opposite direction, and you could hear her distant cheers down the hall. The rest of the teens followed her outside, where cameras, microphones and reporters greeted the teens.

"Are you the missing teens?"

"Is it true that you have superpowers?"

"Can you tell us of your journey?"

"Would you mind showing us a display of your powers?"

Jennette heard that and took her opportunity. "Totally!" she threw her hands up, throwing balls of flame into the air. The reporters 'oohed' and 'awed' , cameras flashing from every angle. Ashton, smiling, raised her hands up and levitated the teens in the air. The same response was given to her actions.

The teens, appreciating the praise, continued to show off their powers, as the reporters ate it up.

Eventually, they went back home.

Hello fam! This chapter is kind of short, I was never one for writing endings anyway. I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Makes up for the longer ones before XD

Shouldn't be long before the book ends fam!

Wish me luck lol! XD


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