The Third, Power

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"The bleh bleh bleh...."Jennette read , skipping over the boring parts and getting to what she wanted to read. "Although he is the furthest from the group at trivial tasks, his strength in physical form overpowers the trio. This power is hidden, as was the flame elemental's was, but can also be uncovered. Bleh bleh bleh, boring, blah blah blah, old words." Jennette looked at Nash. "Strength is what I got from that. Also, it saying you were the stupidest out of all of us." She smiled.

"Is stupidest even a word?" he asked.

"Shut up."

Ashton thought for a moment. "How do we test this one out?" Everyone was silent for a moment. "Lets go to the woods, find a fallen tree. If he can pick it up, then we uncovered it."

"Might as well, its not like we have lots of options to choose from." Jennette shrugged her shoulders.

The trio ventured out of the tent and into the woods, Ashton leading the group and holding the lantern. Nash jumped at every sound around him.

"You're scared," Jennette said, smiling.

"Not scared, just wary." he assured himself.

"Be quiet, I'm not sure we are supposed to be out here," Ashton said, hushing the two up. Ashton found a fallen tree, and kicked and nudged at it, testing its weight. "Won't budge, " she said, shaking her head. Nash stood beside her and looked down.

"You want me to pick it up?" Nash asked.

"Naw, just stare at it." Ashton replied sarcastically.

"Fine, I got it." Nash knelt down , slid his hands beneath the dead tree, and lifted it with ease. He held it over his hands as if it was a trophy.

"This isn't as heavy as you made it out to be," Nash looked at Ashton.

"Well not everyone has super strength, Nash," she replied.

Jennette, excited, ran over to Nash. "I wanna try, let me have it," Jennette jumped to reach it, but being at her short height, Nash held it above her with ease. "No way, you could hurt yourself. " Jennette rolled her eyes.

"Guys, can you stop acting like your shoe sizes and act your age?" Ashton said.

"Nash has big feet though, so he probably is acting his age." Jennette said smiling.

Nash sat the tree down and rolled his eyes. "Whatever." he looked at Ashton. "What do we do? I mean, if we obviously tell people about this, no one will believe us."

Ashton spoke. "Let's just keep this a secret. And we can't openly use our gifts in public. People won't know what to do . And Jennette, " she turned to her friend. " Don't light anyone on fire." Her shoulders slumped.

"If we keep this quiet, maybe our powers will go away just as fast as they came." Ashton said.

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