Im in love?!

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Tyler's POV

I walked into my next class and sat down in my seat. I watched as Naomi walked in and took her seat near me. "She smells so good, I want more of her....WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING!!!" Just then the teacher walked in and I snapped out of my thoughts."Tyler can I talk to you for a moment?" The teacher asked as she walked over to me. "O-oh yea." I said as I followed the teacher out of the classroom.

"Tyler I would like you to show Naomi around the school."


"Yea, because I think you are one of the nicest students at this school."

"Can't someone else d-do it?"

"They can,but Naomi seems to be fond of you."

-blushes- "r-really I never even talked to her before."

"Well she seems to stare at you a lot so maybe she likes you, so I thought you would be a good person for her to be paired with."

"U-um o-ok."

"Awe thx sooo much Tyler, you can give the tour after school."

Just as she said that we walked back into the classroom and started class. The last bell of the day rung and everyone plunged out of the classroom to the lockers. I walked over to Naomi who was still sitting at her desk and introduced myself properly.

"H-hi my name is T-Tyler."

"Hi, I'm Naomi as you may already know." Naomi said cheerfully.

-blushes-"well umm would you like a tour of the school?"


Naomi stood up and gathered her things. Just then Naomi entertwined her fingers with mine. We held hands through out the tour. As the tour ended we walked outside and untwined our hands. Just then some thing amazing happened.

"Thanks so much for the tour, I really appreciate it!"

"No problem."

"Can I..try something?"


Naomi stood on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek. "T-thanks again for this evening."

-blushes- "y-your welcome."

Then we hugged and walked our separate ways home.

I walked to the the front door and unlocked it. I ran up the steps to my room and opened my lap top. I got on google and looked up the meaning of love and the side effects of it. After a while of doing research I realized something.


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