My nightmare is true

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Tyler's POV

Me and Naomi have had so much fun being together, but I think Naomi is acting really strange. She used to want to do everything outside, like go to the park and pick flowers in the meadow, but now she only wants to be trapped in the house. I'm really worried. If only she would tell me what's on her mind.

"Naomi are you ready for bed?" I said walking up the stairs into our room.
"Y-yea." Was all Naomi said before crawling in bed and falling into a deep sleep. I decided instead of sleeping tonight, I'm just going to watch Naomi and see if maybe she just having nightmares.

After about an hour and thirty minutes of just staring at Naomi, I saw her twitch a little in her sleep. Her eyes and nose where all scrunched up and little wet drops started to fall. She was crying? I heard her whimper and start to shake violently. I ran to her side and started to shake her, "NAOMI WAKE UP!!" Naomi's eyes shot open and she sat up straight in the bed. She jumped out of my reach and the the other side of the room. "Naomi?" I said worried.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!!!" She screamed. "Naomi what's wrong?!?!" I asked taking a few steps towards her. "I SAID STAY AWAY!!"

Naomi's POV

I have been having that nightmare again and again every night since me and Tyler started dating. At first I didn't think anything of it, but now I'm scared. I'm scared to go outside I'm scared of the people outside. I just don't know what's wrong with me anymore.

"Naomi are you ready for bed?" Tyler asked me as he walked into our room.
"Y-yea." Was all I could manage to say. I got into the bed and fell asleep before Tyler could ask any questions to me.

Naomi's dream

~ it's dark. To dark. I see light. People screaming. I'm scared. Mommy, daddy, help me! I crawled out of the broken down building into a world full of fire and ash. Dead bodies surrounded me everywhere. There was one guy. One guy who was ALIVE! I ran to him. "Help me!! Please! My mommy and daddy died, everyone died, please help me!" The man turned around. More like the boy turned around. Blood covered him everywhere. He held an axe. A bloody axe. The hair, the eyes, his face. I can see him! His face is clear to me now. He not a blur. I started to run faster towards him, but stopped in my tracks. The boy looks familiar. To familiar. TYLER!!! "Y-you killed
e-everyone!" I screamed. Tyler just continued to look at me. "I never should have trusted you! NEVER!!"~

Naomi's POV

I woke up with tears streaming down my face. My heart was beating fast, way to fast. The guy. The guy was Tyler. I thought that guy was good. I thought he would help me. He killed everyone. Why!! I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked over and saw Tyler by my side with a worried expression. I jumped out of the bed and ran to the other side of the room. "Naomi?" Tyler said looking at me."STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU MONSTER!!!" I screamed. Tyler's face looked hurt. " Naomi what's wrong!?!?" Tyler asked taking a few steps closer. "I SAID STAY AWAY!!"

Anyone who ships Tyler and Naomi together, don't worry they don't break up or anything. Naomi still loves Tyler. Also it's not like Tyler is going to let Naomi run away!! *hint* *hint*😉

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