My "darling" Nate

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Naomi's POV

Today at school Nate has been staring at me all day, same with Tyler. I'm not sure what they want but it's kinda creepy. A few days ago I almost got raped by some drunk college students and Tyler killed them. I always thought Tyler was the sweet shy type of guy who would never harm someone, but I guess I was wrong. He is sweet though, he risked his life to save me, he even said he loves me. I don't know what to do anymore. I mean I love Nate but what if Tyler does harm to other people who get close to me. I get the point of getting rid of those guys who raped me, but what if he does it to my friends who get near me. Also everyone wants to know what happend to those 3 girls. I think Tyler has something to do with there disappearance. Like I said, I think he will kill anyone who puts any harm towards me.

[a/n] sorry if none of that paragraph makes sense, I tried and it may be a little confusing, I don't know if it actually is. But hope you enjoy the rest of the story!]

After class today I ran down the steps towards my locker but got stopped and pulled into the janitors closet. "How is my little Naomi today!" A cheery voice said into my ear.

"G-good." I said a little shakend by the sudden surprise. Suddenly the lights turned on and I could look around, I saw Tyler standing there with a big happy smile on his face.

"Sooooo, would you like to come over to my place tonight?"

"Um well I...... I'm going to Nate's, he said he has a game he wants to play with me."

"What kind of game?" Tyler said as his eye started to twitch.

"W-well I d-don't know, do you?"

"For a matter of fact I do."

"What is i-it."

"Well, if you come home with me I will tell you."

"But then I can't play the game."

"So you want to play his game?!"

"I don't even know what the game is!"

Tyler sighed and looked at me,"fine go and play his game, but don't come crying to me when it's a game I know you would not like." And with that he left.

I walked over to my locker and got my things and ran towards Nate's house. Nate said he had to go to his house without me so he can set everything up without me seeing what he is planning. To be honest I'm scared. After what Tyler said I can't help but shiver thinking of Nate's game, I have a feeling that this game may be a bad one.

I arrived at Nate's house and knocked. Know one answered. I tried the door and it opened so I just walked in. The whole house except for the little light that could be seen shining from under a bedroom door. I walked down the hall and opened the door. There I saw a bed cover with flower petals and candles all around the room giving it a romantic feel.


All of a sudden I was pushed hard onto the bed along with another body that was hovering over me. "N-Nate what is this?!" I said scared for what he was to say. "This is the game sweetheart, do you like it so far?"

I turned around and looked up at Nate with tears forming at the base of my eyes,"why are you doing this!?" Nate looked at me as a smirk formed on his lips, "ain't it obvious, because I want to." Just then he pushed his lips roughly into mine.

Nate kept kissing me while I tried to push him away. Just then he stopped. I opened my eyes to see his lifeless eyes staring back. He had no heartbeat. Just a limp soulless body. That's all I remembered till I blacked out.

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