I love you

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Tyler's POV

I just got up and got ready to see my Naomi. I hope she will be happy to not be bullied by those girls. I can't wait to tell her what I did, I know she will be sooo happy and maybe even leave Nate for me!

I ran out the door and onto the sidewalk to go to school. I passed a few houses and saw cops there comforting some parents that were sobbing into there hands. I could not help but over here what they were saying, "ma'am, where was the last you saw your daughter?" The cop said to the lady.

"Well, last I saw her she was leaving the house to go to school with her 2 other friends." The lady said in between sobs.

"Ok we will start the search for the girls, we will ask everyone from each and every house on this block." The cop said to the lady.

' heh, they must be the parents of one of the girls I killed last night.'

I just continued on my way to school thinking about my Naomi. I arrived at school and walked to my locker. I heard a few people gossiping about what they think happened to those girls. Everything I've over heard so far is not quite close to what actually happened. As I was getting ready to leave my locker I got a text. It read, meet me on the roof school roof after school. ~info girl.

I put my phone away and went to class. I did hear more rumors in my class about the girls and one almost go it completely right. After school I was getting ready to head up to the school room when I was stopped by a sweet sweet voice, but this one was not as sweet as usual.

"Tyler! I know you have something to do with those girls death!" Naomi said sounding fierce.

I turned around,"so what if i did, ain't you happy you don't have to deal with them anymore?"

"So if you found out that everyone in the school was mean to me would you kill them all?!"

"For a matter of fact yes, yes I would."

"Why, why would you do that all for me?"Naomi said looking confused.

"Haven't you figured it out yet, i love you Naomi and I would do anything to protect you." I said then I turned back around and went to the roof.

When I got up to the roof I saw info girl standing near the railing watching everyone leave. "Um, I guess you wanted to talk with me?"


"Ok what Is it?"

"You may want to sit down for this."

I looked at her with a strange face then I sat down, "ok."

"Well, Nate is planning on taking Naomi to his house a day that his parents are out of town."

"What!!" I said looking really pissed.

"I wanted to tell you this because I would figure that if you wanted Naomi to yourself you may want her to stay away from some other guy that's not you."

"Your right, I guess Nate will have to die a little earlier that I planned."

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