Day for fun

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Tyler's POV

I woke up embracing my little Naomi, she was too cute for words! Today I planned to take her out to have some fun. I do agree being locked up in a house is not much fun at all, so i plan to take her out to the nearby park. I'm not worried about Naomi escaping while we go out, because if she really wanted to leave me she had a few other opportunities to do so, but never did. That makes me really really happy.

I carefully got out of bed without waking Naomi and crept out of my room to the bottom of the steps. I walked to the basement door and headed down the steps to see how Nate was holding up. He had dry blood all over him and cuts from my knife blade repeatedly slicing his sensitive skin. He was passed out in the chair he was tied up too. I decided I should have a little bit of fun before I headed back up stairs to wake Naomi, so I grabbed my axe and started to slowly cut beautiful bloody designs into Nate's thighs. Oh how much I love to hear his cries of pain. Now that I think of it, I'm running out of other good things to torture Nate with. Maybe I will just kill him right now. I lifted my axe above Nate's head ready to slice through his entire body until I smelled something burning from upstairs. I threw my axe across the room and ran upstairs to see if Naomi was ok.

When I got up stairs I saw Naomi standing in the kitchen staring at a burnt piece of toast. "Um Naomi, are you ok?" I asked. She just nodded her head yes in response. "What exactly happened?" Naomi turned and looked at me, "I was trying to make you breakfast." I looked at her then bursted into laughter. "How exactly did you burn a piece of toast?" I said trying to hold in my laughter. " Well, I uh, don't know how to cook." She said looking down at the floor. I walked over to her and embraced her, "it's ok little Naomi, I will do all the cooking for us from now on!" I said as Naomi looked at me and smiled. "Hey Naomi!" I sang happily. "Would you like to go to the park with me today!!" Naomi's smile grew wider, "I would love too!!" She said as we both walked upstairs to get changed into day clothes.

Naomi's POV

After me and Tyler were dressed we headed to the park. It was a beautiful sunny day out, not even a cloud in the sky. Walking into the park you could smell all different kinds of flowers, they  were all so very beautiful. Tyler led me down to the huge pond. There were ducks, turtles, frogs, and fish all throughout the pond. We both sat down on the grassy hill and talked for hours which only felt like seconds. Being with Tyler makes me the happiest then I have been with Nate. It was just so peaceful and relaxing, but there was on thought that kept floating around in my mind. 'I love you' just those three simple words have been haunting me. What if tyler was kidding around this whole time. No no no that can't be right, he killed people for me. I'm just going to brave up and say it! Loud and proud!


"Yes my little Naomi?"

"I love you!!"

I watched as tyler sat there in shock. I was scared in that moment, what if I am right and he was just kidding. Just then Tyler started to sparkle with happiness and he pulled me into a tight embrace while rubbing his cheek against mine. "Really Naomi!!! You love me!!!! That makes me sooooo happy!!!!" Tyler shouted as the people nearby us just stared at us.

Tyler then grabbed me by the hand and ran to a huge meadow of flowers. "What are we doing here, weren't we going to hang out in the park?" I said looking at Tyler. "Yes, but I decided that we should go somewhere where we can be alone together." Tyler said with a smirk. All I could do was stand there blushing at his words. "So Naomi, want to go look at some of the flowers?"
"S-sure!" With that we ran down to the meadow. We practically did the same thing we did at the park which was just talking, but it was more special. This was our first date, well that's what Tyler said and I just agreed.

Hours had past and it was starting to get dark. As we stood up I felt something sitting on my head. I picked up whatever it was and looked at it. It was a beautiful flower crown. I looked over at Tyler and saw he had one too. "Do you like it little Naomi, I made it myself." "I love it Tyler! It's so pretty!" I said hugging Tyler. "I thought you would." He said with a smile.
With that we walked hand in hand the whole way home.

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