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Tyler's POV

I finally got everything sorted out between me and Naomi, what a relief. I was afraid she would try and run away, but she didn't. Yay true love!!
Surprisingly Nate is still alive. I don't know how though. I haven't fed him in a long time. Oh well we can just sit and see how long he can last. Hahahahaha! Sooo fun!! I LOVE my life!

I walked into the kitchen to see Naomi staring at the toaster. "Are you trying to make toast again?" I asked Naomi. Naomi nodded. "So how's it going?" I asked again. "Good." She said as the toast popped out of the toaster. "TYLER I DID IT!!!" Naomi screamed jumping up and down,"I FINALLY MADE TOAST AND DIDN'T BURN IT!!" I just laughed,"that's amazing little Naomi, your growing up." I said patting her on the head. "so I won't be your little Naomi any more?" She said making a pouty face. "You will always be my little Naomi." I said hugging her and she grinned.

We both sat in the living room watching tv and eating the toast Naomi made. It was actually the best toast I have ever had. We continued watching tv until we heard a loud thump come from down stairs. "Tyler, what was that?" Naomi asked me with a tint of worry in her voice. "I have an idea of what it is, just stay here Naomi, I will take care of it." I said standing up from the couch and walking down to the basement.

I got down to the basement and saw that the chair were Nate was sitting was empty. We're the heck could he have gone. I felt a little breeze blow onto my back. I hurried and grabbed my knife from my back pocket and swung it in the direction the breeze came. I heard a loud scream come from the direction I threw my knife and I turned around to see Nate with my knife stuck in his eye.

Nate was screaming and trembling. I watched as Nate struggled to decide wether to leave the knife in or pull it out. I started to laugh and laugh As I walked over to Nate and grabbed the handle of the knife. Nate quit trembling and became still. His face had a worried expression on it as blood came from the eye were the knife hit and tears came from the other. I gripped tighter to the knife handle and pulled it out in one quick and swift movement. Along with the knife came Nate's eye stuck on the blade. Nate fell to the ground screaming and sobbing as blood poured from his eye socket. I laid my knife and the eye on the chair were Nate was supposed to be and then grabbed my axe. I walked back over to Nate and said, "you shouldn't have tried to escape, Naomi is happy with me. She even said so herself. So anyways Nate, I'm going to do you a favor so you don't have to suffer the pain of eye loss, I'm going to kill you. So just stay there and don't move, if you do it will hurt more." I said as I lifted my axe in the air. "Any last words Nate?" I asked as Nate trembled a little with more tears streaming down his face. "All I want to say is for you to go fuck yourself! Your the most fucked up bastard in the world!" Nate screamed as I laughed, "I know I'm fucked up, and I that makes my life more interesting! Besides I can't fuck myself, I'm already fucking Naomi!" I said as I swung the axe down on Nate's neck. Beautiful red blood rained down from everywhere. I stood there laughing and laughing. "That's what you get for trying to escape you fucking moron."

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