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Naomi's POV

It Tyler's birthday tomorrow and I want to do something special for him. I tried asking him what he wanted but he just shrugged it off. I decided if I want to get him something I would have to stalk him and see what he likes.

This morning when I got up I saw Tyler leaving the house. I ran down the steps, put my shoes on and slowly stalked my way behind him. The first place Tyler went to was the weapon shop. By the looks of it Tyler is interested in the guns. I will keep that in mind. There was one gun Tyler was looking at that practically made sparkles flutter all around him. I watched as one of the employees opened the glass case that held all the guns in it and take the gun out Tyler was looking at and handed it to him. Tyler looked it over and posed as if he were going to shoot it to see how comfortable he was with it. After a while the shop employee put the gun back and Tyler started to leave the shop. I hid behind lots of boxes that were in the store to keep out of Tyler's view.

When Tyler left I saw he was heading in the direction of the house, so I thought that this was the only store he was going too, so I will just buy this gun for him. He looked really interested in it. I walked up to the employee and told them how I would like to buy that gun for my boyfriends birthday, and how much he seemed to love it. The employee nodded and smiled as they gave me the gun. "Do you know lots about guns?" The employee asked as I handed them the money to pay for the it. "No I just saw my boyfriend looking at this gun and it looked like sparkles we're going to fly out of him, so I thought he must really like this." I said as the employee shook her head and smiled,"well this gun is called a pistol, it is supposed to be a really powerful gun." I smiled and said, "well I'm just happy to find a present my boyfriend should really love, thank you so much for the information on it." I said as I left the store.

I got home and walked through the front door. "I'm home!" I called as I ran up the stairs and locked myself in our bedroom. "Welcome home little Naomi. May I ask were you were?" Tyler said on the other side of our bedroom door. "O-oh I just had to run a" I said stuttering a bit at first. I heard a chuckle come from Tyler as he walked away. "Whew, that was a close one." I said to myself as I pulled out an old gift bag that was in our closet to wrap Tyler's present with. As I finished wrapping his present I hid it under our bed and then I pulled out my phone to look up a recipe on how to make a strawberry cake.

I went down stairs and looked through the fridge to find the ingredients. Once I got all the tools I needed to bake this cake with I stared to actually bake. I know I'm a horrible cook/baker, but this is for Tyler's birthday which means I will do anything for him! Even if it means burning the house down!

After I finished the cake I put plastic wrap around it and stuck it into the fridge. I saw it started to get dark so i ran up stairs and got a shower. When I finished I thought about how I haven't seen Tyler in a while. Usually he always chases me around the house, maybe I should look for him. I walked back down stairs and peeked into the living room. What I saw was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. Tyler was laying on the floor in front of the tv curled into a ball like a cat sleeping. I walked closer to Tyler till I was face to face with him. It was sooooo cute he was drooling a little! I just love him too much!

I couldn't lift Tyler, so sadly I had to wake him up. He was a little ditzy, so I put his arm around my my neck and dragged him upstairs to our room. I stripped him from most of his clothes and put him under the covers. I crawled in after him and curled up against his chest as he slowly wrapped his arms around me till we fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up before Tyler and ran down stairs to get the cake. I brought a tray upstairs with me along with the cake so Tyler could eat in bed. I walked into our room and I sat up the tray over Tyler and sat the cake on the tray. I then reached under the bed and grabbed the gift bag that held the gun I was giving to Tyler and sat it on the bed next to the cake. I looked over at Tyler's sleeping face and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. 

Tyler's POV

I slowly opens my eyes to little Naomi's  beautiful shining face and a strawberry cake. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER!!" Naomi shouted hugging me tightly. "Whoa! Naomi this is awesome! Thank you so much my little Naomi!!" I said giving Naomi a kiss on the cheek. "Go ahead and eat! It's your birthday breakfast!" Naomi said shoving a piece of cake in my mouth. "Also open your present." I looked at the gift bag beside me and started to open it. I pulled out the most awesomest pistol ever. "Wow Naomi! You actually got it! I didn't think you would get it for me!" I said as sparkles flew around me. "I'm glad you love it, but what do you mean I didn't think you would buy it? How did you know I knew you wanted this?" I just laughed, "awe little Naomi! You need to get better at stalking!" I said patting her on the head. She just frowned. "But thank you so much Naomi, this is the best birthday ever." I said as Naomi smiled brightly and hugged me tightly.

Sorry if this chapter is a bit crappy. But anyways this is a picture of the kind of pistol Naomi bought for Tyler,

 But anyways this is a picture of the kind of pistol Naomi bought for Tyler,

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Hope you enjoyed the story and the picture of this lovely gun!!❤️🤗

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