Chapter 4- Lindee

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The court room in the building has large wooden doors that make me nervous.

Though I would never admit it aloud.

Tucker pushes open the doors, his jacket stretching slightly by the movement.

I brush off my green shirt and zip it up so that is covers my neck.

This probably looks worse.

As soon as we walk in, the men at the large counter like place turn to me.

"Tucker, who is this and why have you let her in? She us an outsider. You know the rules." The mn in the center scolds, making me scoff under my breath.

Tucker walks forward and I slowly follow, taking in everything.

There looks like there could be a secret door in the far corner, but its the corner closest to the judges.

"Dad, she was about to get swarmed by monsters at the gate. I couldn't leave her to die." He protests, making me smile up at them lightly.

Court room were never a good place to be for me, it always ended with, "You may stay, but only for a day" or "leave now" or something in between.

The men look at me pointedly.

"What do you have to offer?" They ask, making me a bit creeped out.

"Excuse me?" I ask, crossing my arms.

Tucker chuckles lightly.

"No Petra, they mean what can you do." He whispers, making me internally hit myself.

Why am I so stupid sometimes?

I think it over.

"I can farm, take care of animals, and ummm..... Build I guess." I say, shrugging.

For a while in one town I helped the cunstuction workers and picked up the skill.

They whispers little comments to themselves.

Then, they stand up, looking down at me.

I hate it when people look down at me in this way, it makes me feel small.

"You may stay, but if you do anything against our rules here, you will have to leave." The man in the middle, or Tucker's dad, says, making me nod to him.

"Thank you." I say as Tucker leads me out into the main hall.

He pumps his fist.

"I can't believe that actually worked!" He exclaims, looking over at me happily.

I smile back at him.

"Wait, where are you going to stay?" He asks, seeming to be talking to himself now as he thinks over ideas.

I smile back at the though of the barn.

"I could just stay in the barn." I offer, making him shake his head.

"I have something much better! He says, starting to walk towards the door.

I smile.

"An outhouse?" I joke, making him laugh.

The people are still all at the bottom of the stairs, looking at me as if I was going to kill them all.

Some of the little kids look at me with eyes so big and curious it makes me smile brightly.

"I'm guessing you like kids?" He asks, making me nod.

"They are really the only people that ever seem to like me in towns." I reply.

The look on his face is a bit sad, but I brush it off, not liking pity.

We walk down the street, someone catching up to us.

She looks about fourteen with brown hair and bright blue eyes.

"Tucker, who is this?" She asks, looking over at me in interest.

I smile at her.

"This is Petra, and you could have introduced yourself Lindee." She teases, ruffling her hair.

She looks at me, since she is just slightly smaller than me she looks up a little.

"Hey." I say, smiling at her.

She smiles back with a big toothy grin.

"So, how long are you staying?" She asks, making me laugh lightly.

"Not sure, it depends on how long before they decide to kick me out." I joke, making her laugh.

Tucker however takes it seriously.

"What do you mean by that?" He asks, making Lindee roll her eyes slightly.

I shake my head.

"Towns don't like the idea of an outsider Tucker, and in the end, its always me leaving or being chased out." I say truthfully.

Like I'll tell him I ended up stealing and they would kick me out.

He sighs, shaking his head.

We walk up to a giant mansion the is close to the barn.

"You can stay here for now, its the only empty house." He says, opening the fancy looking doors.

We all walk inside, seeing the beautiful inside hallway.

My mouth hangs open at the amazing craftman ship.

"So yeah, this house belonged to the creator of the town. He moved away a while ago though, before I was born." Tucker shrugs, flipping on the lights.

The lights are on the roof, but I can't really tell where the light comes from.

Tucker smiles.

"Well, we've gotta go, but I'll see you later then, yeah?" He asks, smiling lightly.

I nod, watching them leave.

When the door closes I can hear Lindee laughing.

"Dude, you are being so obvious with your crush." She teases, making me mufle my laughs.

Not that it isn't flattering, but I don't think I'll ever be able to like anyone.

I'm never around long enough to develop feelings for anyone.

My feet carry me around the house, ready to find what exactly is going on in this house.

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