Chapter 28- Going Back

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I stand in the portal room, pressing a button on the wall.

As soon as I press it my group falls to the ground from a portal, it disappearing as soon as the horses come through the portal as well.

"What the hell just happened?!" Tucker shouts, voice lined with fear.

I smile down at them, making them relax.

"Petra, did you find your father? Did he tell you where to find the creator?" Lindee fires off her questions.

I nod.

"I found my dad, but he also us the creator. Weird right?" I say, making them nod.

"So this whole time you were the creator's daughter?" Tucker questions.

I nod.

Melanie is being quiet, but that just her being her.

"Here, Tucker take the gun and the coat. Mel, take the other gun, and Lindee take the amulet." I say, laying the stuff on the ground as I try to figure out which portal leads to Multoru.

No signs are on any of them.

I turn to look at the other way to see Tucker buttoning up his jacket.

It looks good on him, and he places the gun in the holder that hangs off the end of the right side.

Melanie spins the gun around on her finger, laughing.

Lindee stares at the beautiful amulet, smiling up at me.

"Its awesome." She states, holding it in her hand.

I'm not exactly sure what she will use it for, but she likes it so that's good.

"Look around guys, try to figure out which portal leads to Multoru." I say, walking to another wall of portals.

Above each one is a small painting with something from wherever it leads.

One has an old, spooky tree.

Another has a bridge going over spikes of stone.

"Hey! What do the paintings mean?" Lindee asks, making me shrug.

"I think they are hints at which town is where." I reply.

They all seem to go back to the first portal the walked last, making me gape.

"Have you guys just been looking at a portal and walking by it?" I ask, turning to them in shock.

Lindee looks away while Melanie whistles softly.

Tucker however rocks back and forth on his feet.

I face palm, going back to looking.

After a few minuets I pinpoint one on my wall that has a picture of what I guess is a lava lake.

"I found one that looks like walls with a dome." Melanie calls, making me confused.

Is there more than one?

"I found one with a odd blue stone bridge." Lindee adds, making my mind whirl.

That's when I get it.

Each portal brought you to a different place in Multoru depending on the sign.

"Okay, no one go through this one." I state, backing away from the jello like wall.

Tucker snaps his fingers from Hus wall.

"This one has a pic of the mansion over it." He points out, making us all crowd around it.

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