Chapter 1: Your Name

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It's been a year since Seungcheol met the pretty boy who works at Cheonsa Coffee Shop but he still doesn't know the name of that boy because he is shy to ask. Since Seungcheol heard that all workers from that coffee shop already had their nameplates, he decided to visit that coffee shop again.

Seungcheol went to that coffee shop after classes. Before he sat down on his seat, he looks around first and finds that pretty boy but he is nowhere to be seen. He just sighed and sits on the chair.

After Seungcheol sat, a male worker stood beside him and asked for his order. Seungcheol looked up to see who that worker is. His eyes widened and said "Jisoo?!"

"Yes. Why are you shocked?" Jisoo asked

"No. Nothing... Since when did you start working here?" Seungcheol asked

"Uhm. This is my second week here."

"Oh. Is that so? By the way, one Caramel Macchiato for me."

Jisoo just nodded to him and gets ready Seungcheol's order.
Seungcheol looks around again but the pretty boy is still nowhere to be seen.

Later on, the coffee shop's entrance door opened. Seungcheol looked at the person who just entered the shop, his eyes widened when he saw the guy who is standing infront of the entrance door and he's really soaked because of the rain.

His mom, who owns the coffee shop, went to him quickly and said "Jeonghan-ah! Why are you so wet? Don't you have your umbrella with you?" His mom asked worriedly.

"I forgot to bring my umbrella. Sorry, mom." Jeonghan pouted

"It's okay. Hurry and change quickly." Mrs. Yoon said then he went to the comfort room to change.

"So, his name is Jeonghan." Seungcheol thought and smiled.

"Here's your Caramel Macchiato!" Jisoo said as he put Seungcheol's order on the table.

"Thank you." Jisoo just smiled

"Oh! By the way, is Jeonghan going to work today?" Seungcheol asked

"Yes. Why? How'd you know him?" Jisoo asked curiously

"Nothing... Uhm, I just heard his name awhile ago." Seungcheol said

"Oh..." Then Jisoo left

When Jeonghan came out from the comfort room, Seungcheol looked at him from head to toe then he stared at him.
Jeonghan's hair is not bound in a pony tail because it's still wet.

"Go to your work now." Jisoo said as he patted Jeonghan's shoulder. Jeonghan just smiled at him.

When I looked at the guy who just entered the shop, my eyes widened. It's my pretty angel who got soaked because of the rain.
His mom went to him and got worried. I finally knew his name because I heard his mom called him with his name. But I still don't know his surname.

When Jeonghan already changed his clothes, I saw Jisoo went to him and patted his shoulder.

And something suddenly came into my mind... Why Jisoo suddenly thought of working here in this coffee shop?

This is my second week of working here in Cheonsa Coffee Shop. Mrs. Yoon, who is the owner of this coffee shop, explained to me why the name of this coffee shop is 'Cheonsa'. The reason is because of their son, Yoon Jeonghan. He looks like an angel and he was born in October 4 (1004). In Korean, 1004 means Cheonsa and the meaning is 'angel'. Now I know why.

This shop is not just a coffee shop, they sell cheesecakes, and ice creams, too.
A customer came inside the shop, I looked at who was it. It's one of my classmates, Choi Seungcheol. He's here again.
I don't know why Seungcheol is always here. Is there something that he wants here? Or because of the delicious coffee?
When I already gave his order, he suddenly asked me about Jeonghan.

How does he know about Jeonghan? Are they friends that's why he's always here? Or because he wants something from Jeonghan? Or because he likes Jeonghan? We can't say but I know he is not a gay. Maybe he is bisexual or something.

There was a heavy rain. I didn't bring my umbrella because I thought it was not going to rain. I have no choice but to run quickly until I reached the coffee shop.

When I already arrived at the coffee shop, I saw the guy, who is always here, looking at me worriedly.

He is handsome and looks so kind but I don't know why he's always here. Maybe because he likes our coffee.
I went to the comfort room to change my clothes and get back to work after changing.

When I was already done changing, Jisoo told me to get back to work while he pats my shoulder. I saw the guy glaring at us. His glare is different. It looks like he wants to steal something... Or jealous? He suddenly looked away when he saw me looking at him.

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