Chapter 9: Kiss

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Today is my aunt's birthday. My mom baked a cake for my aunt. It is very delicious! I want to give at least 3 slices of this cake to Jeonghan.

"Mom! Can you give me at least 3 slices of the cake?" I asked as I entered the kitchen

"Why three? You've eaten already, right?" She asked and sat on the chair

"I know I've eaten already. I mean, I'm going to give it to Jeonghan."


"Because I want him to taste of what you just baked." I smiled

"Okay then."

"Thank you, mom." Then I sliced 3 for Jeonghan

I decided to go to their house and give this. I hope he'll like it.

When I already arrived at his house, I knocked on the door and it opened by his mom.

"Good morning, Mrs. Yoon! Is Jeonghan there?" I asked politely

"I'm sorry, Jisoo. He's not here but he'll be back tomorrow morning."

"Why? Where is he right now?" I asked curiously

"He's at Seungcheol's house. He's going to sleep over there."


"When did he leave?"

"Just yesterday. Why? Are you going to do something important with me?"

"Nothing, Mrs. Yoon. I just want to give something to him." I smiled

"Why don't you go at Seungcheol's place and give it to him there?"

"No, Mrs. Yoon! It's okay. I'm just going to leave it here and give it to him when he comes back."

"Okay, sure!" She said then I gave the container (with 3 slices of cake inside) to her

"By the way, what's in this?" She asked, referring what's inside the container

"It is a cake made by my mom because it is my aunt's birthday today." I said

"Oh. Thank you, Joshua!" Mrs. Yoon said then she closed the door

I was deciding if I'm going to visit Jeonghan at Seungcheol's house or not but I already thought of my final decision. I'm just going to the park instead of going at Seungcheol's place.

When I already arrived at the park, I just sat on the bench and sighed. I got jealous and I felt pain when Mrs. Yoon said that Jeonghan is at Seungcheol's house. I don't know what I feel but I think I really love him now. This sounds really crazy! Seriously.

I was looking around when I heard two persons talking each other loudly. I turned around and saw Seungcheol and Jeonghan eating ice cream. It looks like they're quarreling about the ice cream. It looks like Seungcheol wants to taste Jeonghan's ice cream but Jeonghan doesn't want to, while Seungcheol's arm on his shoulders. I was just shocked! I didn't expect that I'm going to meet them here.

When Jeonghan's eyes landed on me, I suddenly turned back pretending that I didn't see them.

"Isn't that Joshua?" I heard him said, saying my English name.

I didn't respond when I heard that. I just sat still on the bench and lowered my head.

"Really, Yoon Jeonghan! How he could be here? He must be at your coffee shop right now, working there." I heard Seungcheol said

"Oh, maybe he is." I heard Jeonghan chuckled a bit. "Let's go to that swing!" He said cutely while pointing on the swing

His cute voice. I really miss it! I really miss all the times we've gone together. This park is really unforgettable to me because Jeonghan and I met here and started to become friends.

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