Chapter 14: I Love You

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After the birthday celebration, they all clean the coffee shop before they leave. When they’re done, Seungcheol talked to Mrs. Yoon.

“Mrs. Yoon! Can I take Jeonghan in my house?” He asked politely

“Seungcheol-ah! I already told you that don’t call me Mrs. Yoon. Just call me ‘mom’ and of course, you can bring Jeonghan with you just please take care of him.” Mrs. Yoon smiled

“Okay, mom. Thank you!” Seungcheol bowed then Mrs. Yoon left

“Hannie!” Seungcheol called cutely

“What did you call me?”

“Hannie. Why? You don’t like it?” Seungcheol pouted

“Who said that I don’t like it? It is cute. Where did you get that nickname?”

“I got it from your name. It is cute because it sounds like ‘honey’.” Jeonghan blushed at Seungcheol’s words. Seungcheol pinched his cheeks cutely and said, “Aigoo! My angel is blushing again.”

“You’re so cheesy! Let’s go home.” Seungcheol then put his arm around Jeonghan’s waist.

When they got home, Jeonghan went first at Seungcheol’s bedroom. He must be tired already.

Seungcheol locked all the doors of his house before going up to his bedroom. He saw Jeonghan already on his bed. Seungcheol laid beside Jeonghan and stared at his pretty face.

“Why are you staring at me?” Jeonghan asked, his eyes closed.

“Let’s get married.” Jeonghan blushed at Seungcheol’s words and opened his eyes to look at Seungcheol

“Let’s get married, Yoon Jeonghan.” Seungcheol repeated when Jeonghan opened his eyes. Jeonghan just smiled. He can’t say anything.

“Are you just going to smile at me?” Seungcheol asked, a bit disappointed.

“Seungcheol-ah… Stop that. Let’s just sleep.” Jeonghan said lazily

“Why? You don’t want me to marry you?”

“It’s not like that, Seungcheol. I’m just sleepy.” Jeonghan answered as he closed his eyes

“I love you, Yoon Jeonghan.” He kissed Jeonghan’s forehead

“I love you, too.”

“I love you so much, Yoon Jeonghan.” He then kissed Jeonghan’s nose

“I love you so much, Choi Seungcheol.”

“I really love you so much, Yoon Jeonghan!” He pecked Jeonghan’s lips

Jeonghan blushed and said, “I really love you so much, Choi Seungcheol.” They both chuckled. Seungcheol then put his arm around Jeonghan’s waist and pulled him closer to him.

“Let’s sleep.” Seungcheol pecked Jeonghan’s lips again

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